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What they did for Resident Evil REmake on Gamecube, I'd love to see done with Code Veronica... but since they've done Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles... I highly doubt it. (Even more so with Resident Evil Revelations coming out for the 3DS)
Killer Instinct HD would be lovely, new sprites and remastered music(all the original themes from the CD would be remixed, that'd be cool)
Enter The Matrix, with more polish and animation(and levels) this game would be so much better.
What they did for Resident Evil REmake on Gamecube, I'd love to see done with Code Veronica... but since they've done Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles... I highly doubt it. (Even more so with Resident Evil Revelations coming out for the 3DS
I would like to see a remake of Resident Evil 2, but like Rebirth. I just love Resident Evil 2...
I'd love to see:
** Silent Hill (with the PsOne original.)
** Legacy Of Kain/Blood Omen/Soul Reaver.
** Doom.
** SSX.
** Jak and Daxter.
And, Driver would be interesting to see in the HD format too.
I find "remakes" of last gen games completely and utterly pointless, but I would definitely like to see some remakes of old cIassics (LucasArts and Sierra adventure games as well as some old isometric RPG's). But that would take actual effort and they couldn't charge 40 bucks for them.
Jak 1 through 3 in one big trilogy pack. And Jak 2 altered to use 3's cheat system so you can play again with cheats without having to earn them all back again (because seriously, once the game's beaten, what's the point of cheats if you've finished the game before you unlock them all?)
Timesplitters Future Perfect, re-released with new servers and compatible with PSN. Too bad Free Radical is gone and this could never happen.
Xenosaga trilogy
The Metal Gear Solid series. It's a story focused series spread over three generations. It should be consolidated onto one console so I can play 1-3 as a HD remake so I could then go on to play MGS4 & see what all the fuss is about.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines! Not because I want to play it with better visuals, but mainly because the original is so broken with bugs. And it would make a great console game. I really love that game and I would love to se what it could have been if it weren't broken.
Also I'm glad that they're releasing Beoynd good and evil, because I never got to play that when it was new.
FF IX Would be awesome in HD too. And the whole Metal Gear series.
I'd love to see a Halo 1 & 2 HD remake package complete with achievements. I'd also love to see a Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3 HD remake package with trophies of course. Some other ones I'd like to see would be the Silent Hill games and a Resident Evil 2 remake done like the first RE would be godly.Archangel3371Yes, I agree with Halo 1/2.
Castlevania 2 simons quest (it deserves a better game)
Mystical Ninja starring goemon
Resident evil 2
Final Fantasy 7
there's more but i cant think of them at the moment, and since oddworld strangers wrath is already getting one i dont have to list it.
Okay, okay, not just Final Fantasy 7, but I wouldn't mind seeing HD Remakes of other classics like Spyro, Quake 1, the first Half-Life game, maybe the first Halo game, and.....well, I guess that's about it for now.
All of the Splinter Cell games. Timesplitters FP. Black. This would make me ecstatic.podliverThe Splinter Cell one might already be happening it has been listed in retail.
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