@Lulu_Lulu said:
President Evil 4 marked the decent of Horror.....
I think you mean "descent", but yes I agree. However, unlike the later games in the franchise it was an all-around fantastic game. I've probably put 150 hours into it re-beating it across three different platforms. I just got done unlocking the PC HD edition to the same point that I was at with GC and Wii.
@matt2790:Oh yeah, Alone in the Dark. The original was -awesome- and was the first Resident Evil-style game before Resident Evil. AidD 2 was also really good. 3 was a little odd. New Nightmare was pretty good, though. I wasn't as big a fan of the 2008 game. It had some stupid gameplay lengthening mechanics and other balance issues, although it had some pretty cool ideas. The next game looks awful, though.
Here were some more games that I played but that didn't make the cut:
Most of the Clock Tower games. 1 was OK and these started the whole "non-combat" horror game idea, but the later ones all had issues.
Maniac Mansion (fun and quirky but not really scary)
7th Guest and 11th Hour (interesting puzzle games with FMV acting, but the acting is so god awful that it really ruined the experience, even when I was a teenager this was below my standards)
Blue Stinger (Dreamcast launch title but not very good)
Dino Crisis (Decent RE style game but not really scary)
Dino Crisis 2 (fun but more like an action game)
Carrier (another RE clone on Dreamcast. Not terrible but not remarkable either)
Fear Effect 1 and 2 (action game masquerading as horror. It's claim to fame was that it had no health bar, but you had a "fear" bar that went up as you took damage until you were dead. Sounds a lot like a health bar to me...)
The Ring: Terror's Realm (Dreamcast game based on the the storyline of the horror film The Ring. Absolutely terrible)
Extermination (very average horror game for PS2. I think I got stuck on the end boss and lost interest in trying to beat it)
The Thing (based on the John Carpenter version of the film. Cool idea, but badly flawed execution)
Lifeline (really neat idea, but marred by the technology of the time. Survival horror game aboard a cruise ship in space where you have no direct control over the main character, but instead you are guiding her from a control room using your voice. Suffered from poor voice recognition like pretty much all voice technology games)
Siren (horror game in a cursed town that was alright. It was divided into chapters where you played different characters from different parts of the story, so it was kind of like the first "episodic" game even though all the content was already on disc because it was a PS1 game. It had a sequel that was not released in the US so I never played that one because the first one wasn't good enough to warrant going to the effort to import the sequel. Got a re-imagining on PS3 that was a DLC game that was OK)
Kuon (fuedal Japan era Resident Evil. Really fun game but not very scary)
Cold Fear (mediocre survival horror game on a ship. Cool rain and water effects along with a moving environment)
Haunting Ground (neat idea, but not very fun. The main character can't fight but she has a dog that she can command to buy her time while she flees or help her solve puzzles. The dog has a will of its own and has to be trained in the game, which is pretty cool. Unfortunately, the bad guy is pretty omnipresent which makes him go from scary to annoying)
Condemned 1 and 2 (1 was a cool launch game that was creepy and with very visceral hand to hand combat, but the game was more about fighting than horror)
Darkness (cool game but horror is debateable. Great environments and a really cool game, though. Made by the same studio that did Riddick. Pretty cool re-creation of New York, too. The subway sights and sounds made my nostalgic for where I was born)
Manhunt 1 and 2 (just violent, not horror)
Silent Hill Origins (closer to the original SH games but started as a PSP game so it didn't get much attention. Later ported to PS2 but the main character/story weren't as insteresting as other SH games.
Penumbra series (not bad but Amnesia did the same formula better)
Cryostasis (interesting game aboard a frozen ship where not freezing to death is part of the gameplay mechanic)
Outlast (a lot of people like this game but it's too jump-scare heavy to be truly scary, but it's a well done game overall. Good graphics, sounds, atmosphere)
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