@matt2790 said:
@Byshop: ORC was a game I bought and tried so hard to play it (despite how bad it was), just for nostalgy, I said OMG! It's Raccon City, it must be a good game then.. I was so fool. So at some point I realized how bad the game was and never touched it again.
Outbreak: Only played the first one, played it for 1 hour.. enough to realize I didn't like it quite a bit
Same here for ORC. I wasted only a few hours but it was pretty immediately obvious how bad that game was.
Regarding Outbreak, I'm not claiming it was a good game (note it was nowhere on my list) but it had some cool ideas. No voice chat and forcing you to talk -through- your characters pissed everyone off but it was very effective at maintaining atmosphere. The only problem was that you only had like 6 things to say which was not nearly enough so communication with other players was basically broken and several things in the game required teamwork. Also, like most multiplayer focused games it sucked when playing single player because your AI partners were braindead.
However, the way -we- played it was awesome. That's when I had a roomate and she liked RE games as much as me (we played every previous RE together). We beat all five "files" on Outbreak 1 and all but the last one on Outbreak 2.
One more game I forgot to mention: Silent Hill Shattered Memories for the Wii. It's counterintuative but that game was actually really cool. The game had multiple endings that were determined by your overall behavior as you played rather than any binary choices, much like Silent Hill 2. Not the scariest SH game by far, but atmospheric and the way the Wii controller was used was clever. The Wiimote doubled as your flashlight and cell phone, plus you use the Wiimote to manipulate puzzles. There were a few times that I jumped because I was walking in the dark and suddenly the "phone" in my hand rang. I hit the button and held it up to my ear and a voice comes out the speaker in the controller. Little touches like that in the game were pretty awesome, and the play experience changes in some pretty significant ways depending on your actions. Unfortunately, the best version of the game is on the Wii so unless you have one good luck playing it. I heard the PS2 port was decent but I imagine that it would lose something without those cool little Wii touches.
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