while it's good to see that you have an opinion, i can't understand why you'd call spore and little big planet, 'cutie crap'. but you respect spore and little big planet for what they are ('cutie crap' that keeps the girls entertained). is it only girls that are entertained by those games?
i have a friend a little bit like you. at least you're a little more open-minded and have a wii (is that reserved only for the girls you entertain, and you mum?). my friend has an xbox360 and ps3 with a hdtv and plays the latest games. he would kind of laugh now at games with older graphics than the first xbox.
you say you want to see games evolve, but surely you are hampering your perspective if you look only to the future? it's not like graphics in the 2D generation are any worse than graphics in the 3D generation. final fantasy 6 for example is, graphically, the 2D equivalent to final fantasy 12; i think it looks superb still. the characters are a little blocky but the backgrounds and monsters still look awesome. and games aren't just there to show off to people. you can play those older games when your friends aren't round.
Ok for a start, since it might look like i'm having a bit of a debate here and as soon as someone starts a debate the other guy tries to point out spelling mistakes in order to get some leverage. I am aware I may have spelling mistakes, my English is bad and I can't be assed to use the spell checker.
I loved Fallout and Fallout 2 when they came out, And I love Fallout 3 now. But I won't go back and play Fallout 2. It's old, it's dated, leave it for the retro gamers. I played it when it was in it's prime and got my fun out of it. Now i'm ready for Fallout 3, the next thing, I don't want more Fallout 2, I don't want the same game with the same engine and prensentation, bored of it, need a new fix.
Does that put it into perpective for you?
I been through this about 3 times in this forum already, it's trendy to say you like retro games and feel like your all buddies with the indie developers, but don't get me confused with one of those guys. I never played Persona - Fes for the Playstation 2, I heard it's a good RPG game, but it won't entertain me because i've played games like it so many times now i'm bored of it! I've done the text scroller, still anime character comic storyline games a squillion times before, i'm bored of it! It won't entertain me anymore. Give me the sequal, Persona 5 or whatever it is, bring it on a current generation consel and put some proper effort into it, otherwise i'd rather be studying or doing something productive, or sleeping!
The differcultly of putting my view across is I will now get some moron who takes what I say to the extreme and think I won't play anything unless it's state of the art. I'm a bit broader then that. Let's just say I enjoyed No More Heroes and I consider it a modern game. It had character, style, dialog where needed and a fun game to tie it together. That'll speak for itself I hope.
As for the Wii, yes it's for girls, nephews and neices who come around. I havn't touched that thing since I completed No More Heroes and Metroid Corruption. And yeah Spore and Little Big Planet is cutey crap and I won't touch it with yours.
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