1. Guns in real life =/= guns in the game...in fact, the heavy rifle HAS A COOLING UPGRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Enemies open doors just fine, they can flank well too. In fact, I have been easily flanked in many areas and the AI is more likely to do so the further they are from you. The AI really perfers to be exposed as little as possible once they see you and are firing at you. They know when to throw grenades and the game doesn't become a cheap nade spam like a Call of Duty game (and COD has crappy AI). Really, the games AI is as good as an average shooter and stealth game. There are far worse AI's in shooters and stealth games. The AI doesn't have to be amazing anyway. And most RPGs you can steal stuff without quelms from NPCs including ALL Deus Ex games. Lets criticize games like TW2 as well. 3. Very early development does always equal truth. Do the trailers of HR accurately portray the story? No. And still you have not provided me with the source. Even then, the earlier games clearly have more advanced tech than HR does. 4. Notice in the scene, Jensen pushes her away twice before she is able to touch him and get behind him. This suggests that she is manipulative enought to drop Jensen's guard, which can suggest an enhancement. Also the aug releases pheremones as well to help in manipualtion. Jensen is extremley hard to influence normally, it basically takes an aug to do this. And Jensen DID come out with key info that broke the conspiracy and he DID suspect that Picus was a trap (however, he still accepted that he had to walk into it). 5. You don't know how the story worked. The story was about the debate over augmentations. How is thi s the story, not just the main theme. BECAUSE in the end, its about stopping the disasterous consquences of a man who turned on his own creation, which was Darrow in regards to augmentation. Darrow is THE CLOSEST to being the main antagonist of the game, even closer than Zhao or Jaron. In fact, Jensen CAN ACCEPT THE ILLUMANATI'S ROLE in one of the endings. The game was never really about stopping the Illumanti. 6. However, the game gives you tougher setups to counter the increased number of augs you get, in the first game, the toughness of the setups very wildly and random. And its a simple FACT that augs are required to get around the levels. This was NOT the case in the first game. Augs didn't open up new paths (very rare in the first two) like this game does. And then, Jensen is more customizable when it comes to aug than JC was. JC's augs were railroaded. Really, DX's skill system was broken and his augs were gimmicks. 7. And how is this bad...in fact, its great that there is no single "required" aug and the player can choose how he wants to play. HOWEVER, if the player wants to do things a certain style, the necessary augs ARE required. 8. However, when a game blows past the lifetime sales of an earlier game in days, you cannot argue system access ESPECIALLY if the games were out 11 years and 8 years respectively. Human Revolution is likely to outsell both the first DX and IW COMBINED. Yet, still based off Bethesda's model and formula. You are grasping straws and your double standards have been exposed. You have one set of standards for the DX series and another for the Fallout series. BOTH games improve on the formula of the past games...better RPG systems, better dialogue, better writing, better characters, better combat, more balanced gameplay. And don't look now, but Fallout 3 is rated higher than New Vegas...see....I love your double standards.texasgoldrush
1. Well I guess it's a good thing we're talking about recoil then. FACT: short bursts in HR are easier to control than fully automatic fire. You would know this if you had any kind of training on guns and recoil in games is based on recoil in real life.
2. The are plenty of instances where AI doesn't do a thing that you say plus they can't recognize when you steal in front of their faces. It's bad AI no matter how many excuses you want to make for it.
3. Lame excuse #435. Too bad the pics from the interviews haven't changed. A little hint about development, they may change pieces of story from the early development but if they go through the design and sketch art phase into modeling everything, the developers isn't going to scrap all of that. Google it like you did the Onyx Engine. I like when you try to prove me wrong it turns out amusing.
4.Did you listen when AJ confronted Zhao for the second time? He called her afraid of augmented people...probably meaning she's not augmentedthat wayherself. Seeing as she has no signs of augmentation on her head or arms either only some jacks in her backand I'd say you're making things up.It's really that simple. He let his guard down because of bad writing. People warned him about her, he saw for his own eyes that she's on the opposite side, it's his boss' rival however to push the plot forward, the writers had to shoehorn a crappy scene in. It's a joke that you'll try to defend it and even make up things to support it.
5. Did you forget that Darrow works with the Illuminati and he's mad that his creation is used for ill gains? Also because you can join the evil side in the end doesn't mean a thing. In all Deus Ex games you were able to pick an ending that wasn't as good as the others. Except if we were talking about a Bioware game, you'd be saying this ending doesn't count because it isn't happy. Contradict yourself much?
6. Earlier didn't you say that DE went from Hard to Easy and now you're saying that there are random hard parts throughout the game? I think someone's flip flopping a bunch again.
7. It shows the augs as gimmicks because you will never have a hard time finding another way. I've only used rebreather once and that was because i was lazy, I've only used the Icarus one once because i was bored...Using something once in 30 hours of gaming is a gimmick.
8. Oh so now SALES is how a game's quality is based. Last time it was all about scores. Who has double standards?
Actually HR doesn't have a better RPG system. Stealth is rewarded way more than going through the game shooting everything. In fact you can get twice as much XP from going the stealth route. The BEST way to play the game without gimping your character is to go the hacking route first and silently kill everyone. HR is very unbalanced in this aspect so I don't see it walking away as being a better RPG or by being balanced. It's just as flawed except in a different way. Better writing because it copies 1/3 of it's story from a well known novel and the main antogonist group is stolen from the first few games. We should give everyone that blantantly copies a genre high point awards. AJ is a terrible character that you have to make unfounded excuses for so that his personality doesn't fall apart 1/3 of the way through the game.
Nice try saying I'm the hypocrite. I just play devil's advocate as your story changes to disagree with me. You're the one that said professional reviews are better than regular people's then made a topic saying Kevin Van Ord is wrong, You're the one that said Bioware is better than Obsidian because of critical acclaim and now Deus Ex isn't better than HR despite scoring higher. You made the list of "elite RPG devs" first based off of sales, when that didn't work out you used engines and when that didn't work out you went to scores.
I could care less about what the press thinks. You're the one always backing up your shallow opinion with other people's opinions and you don't mind changing from awards, to scores, to money, back to awards whenever you need to. So in the last topic you failed because you admitted Critics' Opinions are worth more than yours and you failed in this topic because DE is higher rated than HR.
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