@elheber said:
@MlauTheDaft said:
Well, I see that several of her supporters have trouble siding with her once it comes down to the actual games ;)
I don't buy the argument that one just so happens to disagree on this particular game. Her rhetoric in critiquing Bayonetta is the exact same as in her critique of everything else. I.e. she just says it's sexist and misogynistic instead of explaining why she thinks it is (she's does'nt really know).
No, I said I disagree with about 20% of the things she's said in her Tropes vs. Women. Bayonetta isn't the only thing I disagree with Sarkeesian on. Also, the way you say she doesn't explain why the things she critiques are unfavorable to women in general, makes me believe you either haven't watched her videos or at least payed attention to what she says in them. Because she does.
I've seen her take things entirely out of context and obsess over banalities. She really does'nt explain exactly why her examples are sexistic.
Remember what she said about Ms. Pacman for example? She that the game is sexist because it uses a stereotype to distinguish Ms. Pacman as female. Or could it just be that the 8-bit graphics needed something simple to make the distinction, and that the game is from 1982? Are toilet signs sexist too?
How about the Hitman strippers? Have you actually played the game or seen that particular sequence? There's nothing encouraging you to touch them at all, and the game actually penalizes you for killing civilians. And that's ignoring that there's nothing gender specific about killing anyone in the game (apart from the vast majority of potential victims being men).
And do you really think that Bayonetta is meant to turn you on? I think it's meant to be a funny, exaggerated caricature.
Here's Midway's reasoning behind the concept of Ms Pacman according to Wikipedia:
"Shortly before release, Stan Jarocki of Midway stated that Ms. Pac-Man was conceived in response to the original Pac-Man being "the first commercial videogame to involve large numbers of women as players" and that it is "our way of thanking all those lady arcaders who have played and enjoyed Pac-Man.""
They specifically reskinned "Crazy Otto" (an enhanced version of Pacman) as a way of thanking their female customers and in 1982, that was well received.
I don't see the big deal about the "Damsel in Distress" trope either.. Is it really worse than the "Badass McHandsome" trope? In reality, most men are either skinny or overweight and quite weak.
Guybrush Threepwood is the "Incompetent Dude" trope but I still love him.
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