IGN Article Blaming All the World's Troubles on Call of Duty
You hear a lot of people talking a lot of smack about the Call of Duty series. This IGN article even credits the series for single-handedly ruining the FPS genre. That's quite a claim. But the truth is that the world needs Call of Duty. The world needs Call of Duty because gamers still overwhelmingly demand and play and support it. The world needs Call of Duty because it gives snobby gamers something to turn their nose up at and point at as preferred game of the simple-minded masses they deem themselves so above.
Personally I feel that although the series has been over-milked, it is still an extremely entertaining multiplayer FPS. COD4 will forever remain one of my favorite games of all time. I do not think that the series stifles innovation. Yes it dominates the FPS genre, but that only opens the door for creativity in other genres. I think they've created a pretty solid formula for a competitive online FPS, and that they should stick with it. I do not agree with the way they have begun to release one every single year like clock work. I think the heart and soul of this series is the multiplayer, and it would make much more sense to release one disc based title every few years, and bi-annually release updates via DLC that include new maps, modes, guns, and attatchments; because that's all any game since COD4 has been anyway- an update with new guns and maps, not an entirely new game. I don't think that every single genre of gaming should be expected to constantly evolve...that's just unrealistic. Each genre will evolve and change at it's own pace and more importantly, as the public demands it. Right now, the FPS genre has settled. It will change when people grow tired of it, and maybe RTS games or RPGs will become more popular, or maybe a new genre will emerge. But right now, Call of Duty is OK with me.
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