@Macutchi: Honestly, I tend to try and wipe the slate clean with every game so that I can appreciate it on it's own merits rather than fall into the endless trap that comes with comparing games. I find it easier to enjoy each and every game if I start from scratch, otherwise no game would be able to live up to some of the games that would probably sit atop my 'best games' list.
I don't remember 100% what I scored the series, but I believe my scores went like this... SC: 90, SCPT: 95, SCCT: 99, SCDA: 90, SCCon: 85, SCB: 75 I'd have to dig out some of the write ups from my previous site, if I can find them. And for the record I'm usually happy with most games 60 and above, though I do use the FULL scale, not the partial scale GS uses.
Outside of my no Ironside in Blacklist comment, I actually had few complaints on the series in general, with the two I can remember being the original trio of games mostly. The first few games Sam Fisher couldn't use enemy weapons right? Never understood why a super spy couldn't pick those up. The second was whistling to get a guards attention, and the enemy AI would ask "Is that footsteps?" I still make fun of that goof to this day.
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