What's with the obsession with old old games? I mean yeah they were good back then but compared to games now they just fall short. Take Mario for example. It was utterly epic when it first came out but now the idea is not only old but really not all that impressive. It's essentially jumping and dodging and what not. Platforming at its simplest. Thats fun but not really that impressive. I mean The Guy is the same thing right (except impossibly hard and therefore much less fun) and it's for free yet people still bought the new Mario (which is basically the exact same thing).Obviously there's been thousands of games just like Mario and obviously they were all just copys but thats my point it's so damn easy to copy!
Now games like God of War take that kind of simple platforming and incorporrate it into other styles of gameplay seamlessly. Not only is there great platforming but great hack and slash action, great visuals (not needed but a definate plus when it's that good), and a great theme overall (my humble opinion of course). Now I know we all have our own opinions and you can say that Mario acheived a level of fun higher than God of War but one thing you can not say is that it does anything better because I'd love to see you try and prove that. That's basically all I'm trying to get across.
(Yes I know there are games that copied God of War but somehow they never seamed to get it right like GoW did)
(^^^Except for Dante's Inferno possibly)
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