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[QUOTE="PabloEscobar20"]that's a crapload of regretsWhen I bought a....
PS3 Slim
God of War 3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Demon's Souls
God of War Collection
Bioshock 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Red Dead Redemption
Halo 3
Fallout 3 GOTY
Hal 3:ODST
Assassins Creed 2
That's because I bought them all at full price+tax, played them for a few hours an got bored, and realized what a big mistake it was. Somehow it always seems to repeat lol. You know how sometimes you buy a game on impulse+hype, go home play it for a while then think to yourself "****, I wasted 66$ on a game I didn't even need...again".
With all the money I wasted on the games/hardware above, I could of bought a Surround Sound System/Nintendo DS/PSP/blu uray player and an Ipod Touch. So you see, it was a pretty damn big waste lol.
Edit: Or better yet, I could of bought/made a gaming computer and gotten lot of cheap games on Steam. :(
Far Cry 2, what a terrible game.
Take that back!
I wasted my money when I bought Mercenaries 2. It was alright, and I wouldn't mind spending the ten dollars for it that it costs now, but it was in no way worth the money I spent on it at the time. Mercenaries was one of my favorite PS2 games, why must Mercenaries 2 dissapoint? :cry:
Final Fantasy XIII
I haven't gotten that far in it, but I just don't have the urge to pick it up again. :P
Far Cry 2, what a terrible game.
Take that back!
I wasted my money when I bought Mercenaries 2. It was alright, and I wouldn't mind spending the ten dollars for it that it costs now, but it was in no way worth the money I spent on it at the time. Mercenaries was one of my favorite PS2 games, why must Mercenaries 2 dissapoint? :cry:
Well, yeah. Most people who bash far cry 2, never played mercenaries 2. That game was an unplayable mess, not because of bugs but because combat was so messed up to a level that you had to either use god mod to resist the random damage and healing system or the millions respawnind enemies and very overpowered tanks.Kingdom Hearts
GTA4 - I enjoyed playing it, but I at least expected replay value. Not found.
World Heroes(SNES)
Devil May Cry 4. I'm trying so hard to like it, but I just can't. Lame puzzle solving, walk through a hall fight crappy enemies, walk through another hall for 5 minutes, another lame puzzle, fight more crappy enemies, level ends. :evil:
Far cry 2 an also Too human agree with both..Red dead redemption is a awesome game..Give the hame some time bro it grows on ya..
that's a crapload of regrets[QUOTE="indongga"][QUOTE="PabloEscobar20"]When I bought a....
PS3 Slim
God of War 3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Demon's Souls
God of War Collection
Bioshock 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Red Dead Redemption
Halo 3
Fallout 3 GOTY
Hal 3:ODST
Assassins Creed 2
That's because I bought them all at full price+tax, played them for a few hours an got bored, and realized what a big mistake it was. Somehow it always seems to repeat lol. You know how sometimes you buy a game on impulse+hype, go home play it for a while then think to yourself "****, I wasted 66$ on a game I didn't even need...again".
With all the money I wasted on the games/hardware above, I could of bought a Surround Sound System/Nintendo DS/PSP/blu uray player and an Ipod Touch. So you see, it was a pretty damn big waste lol.
Edit: Or better yet, I could of bought/made a gaming computer and gotten lot of cheap games on Steam. :(
That is a whole bunch of fail. First, you are either crazy or games are seriously not your thing to not like those games. Second, you would have wasted your money on a DS and PSP. Third but defintly not least, how the hell did you waste your money on a PS3 Slim yet you say how you could have bought a bluray player... That makes complete sense.
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