Every game is a new "legend". Every Link and Zelda and Ganondorf are different characters in every game. Am I right?
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Every game is a new "legend". Every Link and Zelda and Ganondorf are different characters in every game. Am I right?
No, you're only half right. For instance, Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, and Link's Adventure is a direct sequel to the original Legend of Zelda. There was a time when Nintendo tried to link them all into the same timeline as somehow being the same Link, but once they started working on Wind Waker they basically said screw itEvery game is a new "legend". Every Link and Zelda and Ganondorf are different characters in every game. Am I right?
No, you're only half right. For instance, Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, and Link's Adventure is a direct sequel to the original Legend of Zelda. There was a time when Nintendo tried to link them all into the same timeline as somehow being the same Link, but once they started working on Wind Waker they basically said screw itUT_Wrestler
I don't think that's correct. ALttP was quite obviously in the distant past compared to the original Zelda games, and OoT was obviously in the distant past (which is why it attempts to explain the origins of Gannon/Ganon, the origins of the seven sages mentioned in ALttP, and the origins of the Triforce shards). That's how Nintendo framed the stories. All the way back in OoT time frame Nintendo stated that the Link and Zelda characters were different in all of these games, but had some historical connection.
Actually, even Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link is on the odd side. The Link in that game is the same Link as the original LoZ, but the Zelda in that game is not the same Zelda from the original game, but from a time in the ancient past of Hyrule, who was put into a sleeping spell until a hero could break the curse. So even from the second game, this divergence of characters was acknowledged.
As I understand it all, this is how it goes:
LoZ and Z2:AoL -- Same Link, same Ganon (though dead in 2), different Zelda
ALttP and LA -- Same Link, Zelda and Ganononly in the first one
OoT and MM -- Same Link, Zelda and Ganon only in the first one
OoS and OoA -- Possibly the same Link, though it's unclear how this Link relates to the other games (if at all)
TMC -- Link and Zelda from a very distant time in the past, so likely not related to the others. Ganon not present.
FS -- Link and Zelda from a very distant time in the past, but not as distant as TMC. Not the same Link or Zelda as TMC.
FSA -- Link and Zelda from a very distant time in the past, but not as distant as either TMC or FS. Not the same Link as in FS or TMC.
WW and PH -- Same Link, same Zelda (Tetra), Ganon only in first one
ST -- It really isn't clear at all. It appears to be the same Link and Zelda as WW and PH (same look), but some of the scenes in the trailer don't really support this.
Zelda has a very distinct timeline if youre willing to look into the cut scenes and get what they infer. Many of the games are quite obviously linked, and Im not just talking about the obvious Ocarina - Majora and Wind Waker - Phantom Hourglass either. Its not just guesswork; the evidence is there.
But youre right, for the most part. Link and Zelda are reincarnations, whereas Ganondorf is the same being throughout the different legends. Well, if you consider two entitities in different timelines the same :P
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