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As a final fantasy fan I really enjoyed it, it's kinda like a shooter with rp:Dg elements but well worth a try if you can get it cheap.
Does get a bit repetetive later on in the game.. but I wasn't bothered, I wrote a review for it, If you visit my profile you should find it :D
Dirge isn't what I would call a bad game. It looks very nice, and it's got a decent soundtrack and good voice acting going for it. Part of what everyone hated about it was that they just expected a much better game because it had Final Fantasy in the title. Dirge of Cerberus isn't a great game, but it's certainly not bad. It's short, but the story is good, and if your really big on the FF7 story and characters there is a lot of neat stuff going on. If your only a passing fan of FF7, passing meaning played it once and didn't really get the story but thought it was cool, then you'll get even less out of it. If you've played FF7 enough times to get the story as well as Crisis Core and watched Advent Children you'll get a lot more out of it.
I'm a big FF 7 fan and I actually rather enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus. Thing is that I knew it wasn't going to be amazing. If you play it expecting little (aka an open mind) you shouldn't have trouble having a good time.
It's a VERY tedious game. I rented it and played a little while through and saw no reason to finish itIce_52
Well it depends
Story: Hell yes
Graphics: Hell yes
Sound: Hell yes
Wanna find out more on VII?: Hell yes
Gameplay: Right, weak point - major weak point, but your not exactly gonna see Vincent in an RPG are you? C'mon the dude has a gun
but the game also leaves out main things, like how he can turn into a spawn and fly around in his cape - and theres only one limit, well two but i wont spoil anything
But in the end if you wanna carry on with the VII story, definently get it
It's basically a sub-par third person shooter. It's still worth playing through if you're a fan of the Final Fantasy 7 universe, as does have a decent story and gives you a lot of background on Vincent.
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