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Yeah, anticipate a tough beginning when you're figuring thins out but it's not like Dark Souls where it keeps you pulling your hair out until the end.
So I was wondering if I should buy this game or not. But the problem is, is the game too hard? Because when I searched people's review about it, a lot of them said that the game was hard, and some them even compared it to dark souls. And I gotta say that I didn't like dark souls. the game was simply too hard for mehutasoitnoelTake this bit of advice from someone who "tried" to play Demon's Soul and cried like a little baby and thus gave up on it after a few hours. Also one who is admittedly "soft" by today's hardcore gamer standards. Dogma is too easy. I tried to make it harder by not recruiting any pawns and letting mine die. ONLY then did it finally become a bit of a challenge. I read those same reviews and was wondering what the hell game the critics were playing. I am at a loss honestly.
[QUOTE="hutasoitnoel"]So I was wondering if I should buy this game or not. But the problem is, is the game too hard? Because when I searched people's review about it, a lot of them said that the game was hard, and some them even compared it to dark souls. And I gotta say that I didn't like dark souls. the game was simply too hard for meDracula68Take this bit of advice from someone who "tried" to play Demon's Soul and cried like a little baby and thus gave up on it after a few hours. Also one who is admittedly "soft" by today's hardcore gamer standards. Dogma is too easy. I tried to make it harder by not recruiting any pawns and letting mine die. ONLY then did it finally become a bit of a challenge. I read those same reviews and was wondering what the hell game the critics were playing. I am at a loss honestly.Good info old man.
It's really not challenging at all once you get used to it.
Some people will find it difficult because it doesn't hold your hand at all, and it is unforgiving when you make mistakes.
It can be challenging a the beginning, but once your levels are rising then it becomes fairly easy for the most part. You will find the occasional challenge at times though. It's a great game, but much too challenging and demanding for many gamers today who rely on having their hands held and the game practically being played for them.
[QUOTE="Smokescreened84"] but much too challenging and demanding for many gamers today who rely on having their hands held and the game practically being played for them.Dracula68Did you read my post at all? Aye, I did, but my experiences with the game were different. I haven't played Demon's Souls, sadly, since I don't have a PS3. I've got Dark Souls and I'm getting myself in the mood to play that game in full. I'm enjoying Dragon's Dogma and I found it challenging for the first ten or so hours, I've been gaming for almost thirty years and I like finding a nice challenge.
I've been gaming for almost thirty years and I like finding a nice challenge.Smokescreened84
30 years? What age did you start? I had a black and white Pong console in the late 70's and started on that.
I like a challenge but not to the point I am constantly frustrated.
[QUOTE="Smokescreened84"]I've been gaming for almost thirty years and I like finding a nice challenge.Dracula68
30 years? What age did you start? I had a black and white Pong console in the late 70's and started on that.
I like a challenge but not to the point I am constantly frustrated.
I stared around 1984/1985 when I was 5/6 years old, the exact age is hard to tell since at the time it didn't seem like anything of importance. The first game I ever played, and completed on my first attempt at that time was a game called Granny's Garden on the old Spectrum ZX, I was the only one in the school to ever complete it. It was so easy. I was born in the late 70s, 1979. I like a challenge, but there is a limit to how much of a challenge I can manage due to life long disability that limits how well I can do. I do my best though. I intend to be gaming to the day I die, if my disabilities don't get worse before, its balanced well for what it is. the threat of dieing is there, but that mostly just encourages the player to prepare more than it causes them to constantly die.
the only caveat id add is that the ranger class (and ill assume the magic archer class because its so close to it, but ive never played as one) can actually make the game a little too easy. the class' attacks are powerful and they circumvent the defenses of a lot of enemies.
It isn't hard at all, it just sucks. famicommanderInformative and relevant thank you for this great post improving on the PGD. It's pretty easy once you pick a class that you like (plenty of options) and figure out how the game works. It's nothing like Dark Souls or Demon's Souls for hardness. There aren't any traps or cheap ambushes just a few tough enemies here and there.
It isn't nearly as hard as Dark Souls, but at the same time you can't play it like Skyrim. Meaning, there are areas you have to work up to before going there. For me it's one of the best RPGs to come out this gen, as it also has a really nice Japanese touch to it (maybe that's because Skyrim tried to be more serious in atmosphere while Dragon's Dogma has a good level of quirkiness and over-the-topness without being too over-the-top, yeah it's hard to explain, but try to imagine a Capcom game that has not been fully been sucked soul less by trying to hard to please Western audiences).
Basically, play with some awareness and you'll be fine, and if you want to be on the safe side try to stay away from traveling at night, at least until you get used to the game.
Edit: I forgot to mention I also have a first impressions post and another game report post for Dragon's Dogma on my Gamespot blog if you want to check it out.
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