I haven't attacked you> I think you just seem really defensive or apt to jump the gun. Apparently you don't like when someone thinks your whole premise it blown out of proportion? Maybe you shouldn't create topics if you can't handle the criticism especially as something non-concrete as this. If it makes you feel better to use big words and try to condescend me, then fine. I've debated with you nicely and fairly, and never attacked you.xDeadP00lx
"Get a grip man."
"Well, perhaps arrogant is a better word than egotisical in that case."
"Continue to buy your brand new games at 60 a pop, and "feel moral" and high and mighty"
"Those developers could really give 2 craps about you either. I'm sure most manufacturers of any product don't go to bed (in a 50,000 mattress) thinking about you, and how moral and just you are."
"Not everyone has tons of money to just buy brand spanking new games each month."
"So while you're standing in front of the shelf wondering for an hour if it's moral or not, I'll take the 30 used game and not think twice."
"So if you want to make something so deep and prophetic, so be it dude. I never knew some people thought so much of themselves to really stress out about it, or find themselves in a moral dilemma."
"People have put their thoughts out there, and unless you're just trolling for debate, nothing will change your mind."
You've entered this conversation that has until now been respectful and about ideas and brought it down to a personal adversarial level. I've never said you were immoral, or any person for that matter, though you've responded very aggressively and defensively as if I have ("Call me immoral, allude to piracy, or whatever else has been thrown out, I don't care"; "That doesn't make me an ass, or any less moral"; "As for being a forum, and freedom of speech, I have a right to "be in this thread" as you put it")
Instead, I have merely posed the question whether an action is immoral, and voiced concerns that I had acted wrongly. You decided to take this personally, accuse me of being a troll, mock me, use unkind words to describe me, and generally focused your posts entirely on me, when what we should be discussing are ideas, concepts, reasons. But you prefer to talk about me.
You've made rampant false assumptions about me and have ignored the things I said in your responses. This leads me to believe that you are very angry and so you missed these things (not intentional.) That's why I wanted to know why you LIKE to be in the thread (I never questioned your right to be here.) If you really do feel that I was bashing people in this thread, I wish you would just point it out so that I can either explain your misinterpretation or apologise to the person.
Now I tried to make it clear that I was undecided on the issue, which was specifically the reason why I wanted to have a debate about it, and I can't have a debate about something if everyone agrees with me (that's ignoring the fact that I had no stance to begin with, which is why I presented both sides in the OP.) I attempted to make a response to each unique reply, but if you feel I haven't given due consideration to an argument or my response did not do it justice, please point it out so we can discuss it and I can learn and maybe correct my mistakes.
Apologies to the two posters above me for completely ignoring them in this reply. I will look at your replies later and do my best to respond.
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