Travelling on foot (or levitating, as the case may be) is great as long as you're not downright forced to walk for 20+ minutes just to get to quest locations. I appreciated the choice Oblivion gave me in this regard. I grew to adore those siltstrider things and wished there were more of them in the game.
I think that the travel system in the game adds to the immersion tremendously. I remember having all of the travel routes down perfectly to get to wherever I wanted as efficiently as possible using a combination of intervention spells, mage's guild teleportation, silt striders, boats, levitation and speed enhancements. This is something that was totally lost in Oblivion.
Agree 100%.
Add to that that even if you did walk everywhere in Oblivion and didn't fast-travel, all the areas looked the same. Boring. Morrowind was way more interesting.
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