I'm going to discuss Stealth genre here. So, this thread is about the discussion of Stealth games only. There is no room for the discussion of Action Stealth here (apart from few examples that I will give here to prove my point, when necessary) and there is also no room for those who are not into Stealth games and prefer games that don't punish you for killing enemies.
It's OK to have different taste in gaming than the other guy but here we Stealth fans are going to talk about the said genre, and won't be having a discussion about Action Stealth. We also won't be listening to people crying about Stealth games for being "boring" because they get their asses kicked and prefer Action Stealth games instead, and think that Action heavy focus is a good thing. That's discussion for another day.
On Topic:
I think the last good high profile Stealth game that I played was released freaking ten years ago, and it was Splinter Cell: Double Agent. As we all know Splinter Cell: Conviction was over hyped mess. It had a potential of being best in the series. but instead it ended up being one of the biggest disappointments for a lot of fans of the series.
Level design in the game was absolutely terrible, there were invisible walls everywhere, your pistol had unlimited ammo, there were objectives that forced you to kill every single enemy in that area and so on. The point is,,, as a Stealth game, it was a complete disaster.
Fast forward to 2013, we got Splinter Cell: Blacklist. A game that was improvement over the Conviction but still an inferior game compared to early Splinter Cell games as far as Stealth gameplay is concerned. The game had a bit better level design but still not memorable.
There were still invisible walls, which is a complete joke in a Stealth game. I was like "WTF" when in one of the early missions I tried to head towards a street to infiltrate a building from sideways, and the game pushed me back towards the main entrance full of guards everywhere, because of invisible wall.
Invisible wall in a Stealth game? Are you kidding me? There were still some objectives in the game where you are forced to confront enemies and either disarm them or kill them. The only memorable mission in the game was towards the end, where the player dodges several lasers inside an elevator shaft. That was easily one of the best experiences in Stealth games around.
The point here is that Splinter Cell: Blacklist was an Action Stealth (or call it Stealth Action) game primarily, unlike its predecessors that were pure Stealth experiences. The reason why I mentioned Splinter Cell here is because it was one of the last Stealth franchises around and the world was already moving on and leaving a lot of genres behind including the said genre.
On other hand Thief: Deadly Shadows was the last actual Thief game. Yes, it was dumbed down compared to the previous games, yes it was glitchy as hell, yes it had quite a lot half baked features and the game lacked overall polish, but make no mistake, this was an actual Thief title and a worthy sequel to The Metal Age, which is considered as the best in the genre and the series.
Then we got a trash in 2014, that was pretending to be a Thief game but it was anything but Thief. The game tried to copy every bad design choice found modern games and past it in one game. In the end what we got was a bad game with bad mission design, bad levels, bad story and bad characters.
Video Link
The game was targeted for dumb audiences and what really sucks is that, it wasn't even a good mindless game for dumb audiences. It was a poorly put together game with bad gameplay and poor writing. There were times when you were blocked by a single chair and were forced to take another route because Garrett the Master Thief couldn't climb or move that chair. These features were available in The Dark Project, almost EIGHTEEN years ago, but not in this game,,, because reasons.
We also got Dishonored. I am really excited for Dishonored 2, not because Dishonored was a masterpiece, but because it showed potential. It was decent but more importantly it showed the possibility of its sequels becoming something much better because of the feedback from community, after the release of the original title.
Now I understand that a lot of people think that it was an amazing game and one of the best among Stealth genre, but as a player who've played original Thief games, and early Splinter Cell games as well as Tenchu series, I can't help but think that Dishonored was Thief: Lite Edition. Level design is not as good as in The Metal Age and more importantly, it was also an Action Stealth game that didn't prevent you from killing enemies. TBH, the game had far more exciting killing animations and action upgrades, than it had stealth animations and stealth upgrades,
On other hand, Hitman was never a Stealth only franchise. You could always kill your target or complete other objectives by sneaking through the whole level or killing every single one of your enemies that were in your way. But the problem with Absolution was that it managed to dumb even THAT franchise down by making it more linear and cinematic experience. It really shows how much modern industry is desperate to leave Stealth and its most important pillar "non linearity" behind.
In recent years we also got Styx: Master of Shadows that many consider as one of the better Stealth only games. The problem with Styx on launch was that it had bad controls and poor ledge detection. Poor ledge detection for a game that contains a lot of platforming is not a good idea, which became one of the reasons why the game was poorly received on launch despite having a good story, Stealth only focus, great level design and a lot of secrets.
But the good news is that developers later patched the game and fixed its controls, ledge detection and other issues that the game had. In the end it turned out to be a pretty good Stealth game, and its sequel is already in the works. But nobody knows if the devs will take the feedback seriously and will deliver a well polished worthy successor on launch instead of a buggy mess. Either way, I'm interested.
So it seems like Stealth genre overall is not doing so well, especially in mid-tier/AAA market. So, my question is, do you think that Stealth genre is already dead and we will never get a well made Stealth game ever again because pubs want to make more money, and a lot of people whine about Stealth games kicking their ass when they are detected, which leads to less sales? I find it pretty odd when people complain about lack of "good" combat in a Stealth game. Discuss.
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