Seems like half, if not more, of the games being released or talked about these days are remakes of older games. Or, if they're not, it's some quickly mashed-up product (note the use of the word 'product', and not 'game') meant to make a quick buck off of the legions of so-called casual gamers.
Don't get me wrong, I know there are also plenty of great games being released nowadays too...they're just mostly next-gen shooters, or new games in an old series. I think probably the last truly interesting game I've played in recent memory was Mirror's Edge, or even World Of Goo.
I do think there are some decent or even good games being made nowadays, but it seems to me that the over-inflation the business of gaming has undergone has made a lot of developers lose sight of what made their games compelling before. And instead of focusing their attention on creating amazing, compelling, jaw-dropping new games or new series of games, it's all about re-making the old ones (that were!) with shiny new graphics and updated play mechanics.
It must be something when I'm more interested in breaking out my Super Nintendo than playing Xbox 360 or PS3. At least the DS remakes can be played anywhere (and Chrono Trigger is a damn good remake...).
Thoughts and comments are more than welcome! I'd love to be proven wrong, perhaps I might just find some great new games to play out of it!
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