Hi again,
Quick 5 minute rant on CyberPunk 2077 because yes... E3 or is it e3. I can never remember.
So basically big into ttrpgs (thats tabletop role playing games) in the 90s with my teenage friends, never owned Cyberpunk 2077 which was sort of rare as I owned Shadowrun 2nd edition, Dark Conspiracy. To me at the time I justified not buying it because it was like Shadowrun with the races and magic removed. In terms of readable content as a 90s geek, shadowrun was enough.
Now I dislike Witcher 3 a lot, and felt disconnected from the gameplay even though it sold very well in the games market. Perhaps it was something to do with Steams two hour return policy ( and I think they have increased that time since I played the Witcher 3)
But albeit above, I am still hyped for CyberPunk 2077. Because I am waiting for a game to live up to a roleplaying book. So already this new trailer has me asking some serious questions.... When the developers say and I won't quote this. That the game will be a first person rpg but not first person shooter. Do I now start worrying?
Or is worrying just a part of the whole experience of feeling forced under Corporate Rule (again don't quote me on this cyber trope). On a side note one of my favourite video game RPG is a Shadowrun MUD. This to me is how far the cookie crumbles. Baldurs gate gtfo.
Second question and a bit of advice really... This one is aimed at the Steaphan Torque in the meeting room, who are you? Should I be worried, or better put, should I care? After all (now with the advice) you shouldn't be worried when the massive drop in your profits (or heart rate) is just running under Preview Software. Well thank god the developer got the money to get to e3 and have the rendering on the project in the reigns. (pun intended on heart rate and reigns)
Well TL;DR lets talk about Cyberpunk 2077
and thats me off for a while. I'll rant another
It was nice to catch up.
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