I Feel you man. Games these days just don't cut the cake from games back in the day.
Now i can only go back as far as the SNES and the sega genesis. But i know the difference between then and now. It's almost like people aren't interestd in taking time to produce a work of art. They'd rather fill it full of shyte that meet the simple gaming minds, and sell it. The COD franchise is a perfect example of a game not gone T!ts up, but a franchise that is only really after their insert of money. But then again to be quite frank the COD franchise has never really been story driven anyway.
Perfect examples of games from then till now is the resident evil franchise. They no longer care about the basis that surrounds the series of games. They'd just skip the story and straight to the action. It is no longer resident evil, but a form of madness that has gone way too far. However it meets the needs of a populace of gamers today, so they make more money out of it. Don't get me wrong i loved the fck out of resident evil 4. It basically revolutionized this generation of games. But even that had aspects of previous resident evil games. Resident evil 5 just took it to another level. Destroying one of the best characters in the franchise and boulder smashing your way through a level in a boss fight in a volcano. Ridiculous. Resident evil 6 looks absolutley ridiculous aswell. You might aswell stick an advertisement for a power bar in the trailers and wrap it up with a few explosions. But again it meets the gamers needs. It's a shame that the minority of us don't like this sort of thing. But who's going to listen to us. The more money capcom makes the less they really care about their product.
You do tend to get good games that come out. For example the Mass effect franchise. Brilliant trilogy of games for this generation. It's a shame they couldn't finish it on a high. In my opinion they did and i'm not really fussed about the ending, because i've come to learn that endings in games these days don't live up to my expectations. I mean skyrims a fantastic game, but it doesn't even have an ending for christ sake.
The thing is the good games that are released that can match those of the 90's such as mass effect 1 and dead space don't sell well. Which leads you to think that the masses aren't interested in these sorts of games anymore. Which is why EA has come up with "Well everyone thought that the first dead space was scary, so we implemented co-op and more aciton into the game." I thought dead space was supposed to be a scary game. But because the audience of dead space is a minor one, EA are going to completley ignore quality and attend to the masses. All in all what you're going to be looking at is a take on the resident evil franchise is the near future.
Some games do end up getting it right with both quality and they draw in the masses. For example MGS4, a saga of games on the playstation that everyone has played. Elder scrolls skyrim became a popular game with the masses, It's only after the release of skyrim, a large amount of people started to buy oblivion. There's probably a few more out there that have done the same. Half life for example. Or mainly anything rockstar develops.
But even rockstar get it wrong with the masses sometimes. Take max payne 3 for example. It hasn't sold well and the team that help develop MP3 have been moved on completley. Why hasn't it sold well? Because the majority of people on these generation of consoles have never even heard of max payne before, and probably have no idea how good the originals were.
There are even games such as Crysis, assassins creed and minecraft that have captured mixed audiences and have captured everything from a fresh start. Batman Arkham asylum/city also fit into that category.
Games that do pop into your head from this generation that aren't overly popular but stick to quality rather than quantity are borderlands,Portal1,2,Dragon age,Demon Souls,Left 4 dead, Deus Ex Human rev, Dead rising, Wet, Alan wake, Bioshock, Stranglehold,Condemned,Fear1,The darkness and probably many more games on the pc i haven't played. Notice i would say the hitman franchise, but that is not this generation. Despite having bloody money on the 360, it was also released on the playstation 2 and the XBOX. We are even yet to play Hitman Absolution.
And still in my opinion no matter how good some of these games are. They don't match my favourites. GTA Vice city,Mafia,Silent hill, Megman X etc.
You can definitley tell that thing's have changed with in the gaming industry. And multiplayer plays a big part in that. But if it wern't for multiplayer, i would of lost interest along time ago. So it isn't all bad.
But i guess it also depends on you as a person. When i'm working hard for around 72 hours a week i forget about gaming altogether. I may buy a few here and there and just not bother to complete them because i can't be arsed and haven't got the time. Whatever it is i feel for ya man.
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