Dragon Age: Origins > Baldur's Gate/Planescape: Torment.
Fallout 1 & 2 suck. Fallout 3 is the best thing to have happened to the franchise.
The Nintendo Wii is a gimmick.
Vampire: Bloodlines is good, but not as good as a few of its fans would make it out to be. It's an 8.0-8.5, no more. I've played it a long time before the unofficial patches ever existed, very close to its release date. Couldn't finish it at first though, due to game-breaking bugs. It still has tons of flaws; I doubt some things could ever be fixed with a patch. Does it come close to BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins or Knights of the Old Republic? No, no it doesn't.
Nothing ever Troika has made comes close, actually. It wasn't a very remarkable studio to begin with. The only other title from them worth checking out would be Arcanum, and that's not saying much at all.
I laugh at anyone who thinks Duke is a remarkable character outside his fame in video game history.
"The cake is a lie" line/meme wasneverfunny.
Blizzard is meh. I liked World of Warcraft, and I'm looking forward to Diablo 3. But come on, Blizzard's art direction & writing suck so much. Huge, spiky, glowing weapons and armour; crappy one-liners their fans just love to quote ( Arthas, Illidan ), completely oblivious to how crappy, uninspired, base or otherwise unremarkable those characters are outside of their art direction.
No really, I want to get the chance to make my point clear this time. Just look at these quotes ( from wowwiki ):
Baelgun:I remember you, evil prince. You're the one that killed poor Muradin!
Arthas:Get over it already.
A Nerubian:Look, brothers! The traitor king!
Arthas:Who? Me?
Kel'Thuzad: Sheis persistent. Reminds me of you, death knight.
Arthas:Shut up you damned ghost.
So, you're not upset about me killing you that one time?(to the reborn Kel'Thuzad)
Is this supposed to be funny? Were they drinking while writing the script for Warcraft 3? What were they thinking?! They're exhausting key moments in the plot of any kind of seriousness or importance.
Well, that's all for now, I guess.
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