I'm seeing the word entitlement popping up like some sort of insult lately. Its being thrown around to the point where the word "trolling" has been outclassed for losing meaning. You make one single complaint and that translates to entitlement. You probably can't even complain if there was no goomba in the next Mario because your a self entitled ogre. But just what is "entitlement"? I have some news for the media, and any forum poster who uses this word. Without us you are nothing.
If we feel we are being ripped off by DLC then we have a right to voice our opinions and stand up to this greed. I would argue that the companies dictating what we can have for a FULL RETAIL price and then charge £16 for more than 25% of a roster is the very definition of entitlement! Self entitled company greed. Its not enough that games have risen by £10 since last time. They want more. Sorry but DLC thats locked on disc or day 1 DLC is bull.
I've been wanting to write about this ever since seeing that CVG article from who knows when. Well think about it for a minute journalists. Companies continue to lock more and more DLC away from us charging higher and higher prices until it gets out of hand. If that content was available to us since before DLC came along why can't it be now? It doesn't make us "entitled" by standing up to this. It makes us realistic. We know full well we are being shafted and they can give us all that content for free. I bet forum posters who post the word actually work for the companies posting it as some sort of weapon to use but too bad. Its backfired. Its just plain greed.
Note to CVG and any other website using this line in the wrong context: we stand up and vote with our wallets and the companies don't get their cash. Companies go under and the industry dies. Without this industry, you have no job. Problem journalists?
Stop trying to treat us like we are 2. We know our rights as consumers and we stand up for them. If that makes us entitled then what does it make the comapnies who have the cheek and nerve to con us?
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