Ok, he doesnt WANT to quit being Japanese... I took that out of context to get more hits. :P
"The US and European marketplace are far better balanced. There are games everyone can play -- maybe calling 'kids' games' would be inappropriate -- but there's also a deep base of core titles made with movie-industry people that explore the depths of hi-def. I'm addicted to Left 4 Dead right now, but people say to me that that game would never work in Japan."
Kojima's a little pessimistic about the Japanese video games market, laughing as he says;
"Maybe I should quit being Japanese. And speaking of which, there were hardly any Japanese games nominated in Spike TV's Video Game Awards this year. It's sad to see that Japan's games failed to even register in America last year."
When asked why Japanese developers struggle to keep up with the overseas competition, Kojima is just as damning;
"Because they're Japanese. Japan makes all their own books and movies and music. You can't export entertainment made by Japanese people in the Japanese language, so it's all made with the sort of budgets that guarantee profit within the Japanese marketplace only.
"Meanwhile, the English-speaking world is a global one. The scariest scenario I see is people overseas taking the ideas from Japanese games, running the Hollywood business merchandising machine on them, and taking all the revenue. If that happens, then there won't be any new Japanese creators."Famitsu
Source: GAF. Some of the comments in that thread are hilarious. My favorite ones are " I hope he noticed how easy it is to play L4D online without entering a billion usernames and passwords.", "Kojima's been talking alot of crap lately." :lol:
I find it amusing that he's forgetting the Wii... the biggest gaming phenomenon in years actually is a Japanese product.
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