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It looks fantastic but how hardware consuming is it? and will we see it anytime soon? Plus it would make you feel bad playing a game then. Imagine the likes of God of War with those faces, you would feel really bad for killing anyone then
I can't remember if it was the people who did Left 4 Dead or Mass Effect but I remember them saying in an interview about the things they had to cut from the game because it had too much in it, sorry I can't think of the words to use but basically it's the amount of data being stored in the actual DVD, they had to cut a heck of a lot out to fit it into 1 DVD which gave me a little shock. Me personally, I wouldn't mind if it was 2 dvd worth of content I got the hardrive space for it, as long as I can install it from Steam or do something to not have to diskswap I'm happy with it.
The point I am trying to make is simply this. I would guess this will require a lot of data, in which case we will be seeing future games using this tech, meaning they will have tocut back on other stuff. Seeing how this is all about graphics and face detail, that's only good for cutscenes, so we are most likley going to only see this type of tech on AAA games witch a duration of about 3-6 hours and a very linear level design. Heavenly Sword type games pretty much.
Unless the games industry changes direction of course.
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