Hi! I am looking for a new game to play. I'd like an original game. By that i mean not a standard rpg where you lvl up a char. during a standard storyline or a fps where you are ought to kill zombies to get to the evil genius who made them. Here are some features I like in a game: - Customization (character, buildings, pets, etc.) - Freedom/ Free roaming - Good storyline - Choices (Good/Evil, etc.) Here is a list of my favorite game (so you can see what I have played) and what I liked about them: - Morrowind (Free roaming, good story, detailed story, freedom, deep) - SW: KOTOR (Story, freedom in actions (good/evil), deep and detailed) - Mass Effect (Story, good combat, customization ( just got it, so haven't played that much)) - Wow (Freedom, mmo, gameplay (combat)) - Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (Alternative gameplay, rpg+puzzle) - Warlords: Battlecry 3 (The only RTS I have managed to play over time, rpg+strategy) - Portal (alternative gameplay, story) The game I am looking for is a game with either a lot of customization or a lot of freedom (or both :P ). I would also like some alternative combat (or no combat at all). Or it could be just very alternative in some ways. Now i have asked for a lot, but i hope there are some games out there matching at least one or two of my requests. Any one know of any? Thanks in advance! (Sorry for a rather lengthy post)
I am looking for a game very similar to that as well and from what I know there still isn't one out, Lol. But you say you played Morrowind did you try Oblivion or Fallout 3? they are about the closest thing so far in this gen.
You can check the stickied recommendation thread already posted. And to answer you, in my opinion, it seems you enjoy western Games and WRPGs. I'd recommend Fable, Fable II, or Oblivion/Morrowind.
If you're interested at all in the Marvel superhero universe, you should give Spider-Man Web of Shadows a try. I love it, it's immersive and fun, and there's plenty of free roaming to do as well as choices between good and evil.
Thanks a lot for quick answers. I have played Oblivion and it was fun, but not as good as Morrowind though. I haven't tried Fallout, so i might try that. I got Fable and have played it a lot, just forgot to put it up on my list. It doesn't have to be an RPG, I am trying to find SimLife, becuase I think that might be the sort of game I am looking for. No free roaming but lots of alternative gameplay. I am also looking for a game similar to Uru. I got Uru but I don't like the puzzles inn that game, don't know why though. (By "similar to Uru" i don't mean Myst. It have to be 3D, I think :P ) Well, thanks again. I'll check inn in i while :D
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