I'm starting to lose faith in most of the game publishers, namely CapCom and Activision. I used to like them but over the course of time and the gen were in now they seem to be losing interest in our, the gamers, opinions.
Activison seem to just be pumping out games that are complete rubbish (don't start saying "but black ops is awesome" because imo its just plain naff and I prefer World at War over that crud anyday)
and CapCom, ahhhhh CapCom, screwing up your best franchises while my fellow gamers and I complain that its wrong, that and employing the wrong develepors. They've only seemed to pump out 2 good games (1 of which is getting debated over severely) over the past however long it is between Dead rising 1 and 2. They seemed to have just dug them selves in a hole that justs keeps getting deeper
These publishers are 2of the most famous around and they have lost their edge, CapCom seems to be in an era it can't keep up with (same with SEGA)and Activision are too busy milking CoD that they havent realised its cr*p now.
I remember the days when I could sit down in front of a good CapCom or Activision game without having gamers up in arms over something wrong in the game.
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