[QUOTE="EdgecrusherAza"]Its amazing how much disconnect there is between critics and RPG fans, when it comes to this game. Critics seem to suddenly think every RPG needs to copy Elder Scrolls instead of Final Fantasy, and any game like FF is now "dated", while fans are just damn happy there's finally another series that's actually GOOD at copying FF.
This is what EGM wrote about Lost Odyssey:
"Lost Odyssey tries hard to capture the Final Fantasy look and feel (some of its creators worked on that legendary series). We spend alot of time with the import version and came away with the distict feeling that we've done all this before. Bland levels and a dated-feeling combat system do the game's unique storyline a disservice."
Bland levels? Dated combat? So again, because it copies FF and not open-world, real-time combat like Elder Scrolls, suddenly its dated. I happen to really like LO's battle system ( in the bit I've played of it ) and I think this FF-type style of combat and random battles is the best I've ever played of its kind. And as for bland levels, I didn't see anything bland about the levels at all. So its not open-world, who cares?
Again, it just seems like critics don't really GET the fact that people want more RPG's on FF's level. There's never been many, and that's why FF is so hugely popular. People want JRPG's with insane production values that look like they're not designed for 10 year olds.
As for your claim that there people are looking for FF clones with high production values, I disagree. The FF games are usually quality, but people have shown themselves capable of looking past games like Shadow Hearts Covenant (whose production values rivalled FFX and whose length and scope eclipsed it) and the Megaten games (all of which sell a fraction of the lowest selling FF game).
I'm going off personal experience. I've known so many people that played FF because of the mature tone compared to other RPG's. Even the Megaten games have that anime stye that turns people off at first glance ( and I myself can't get into the series). Shadow Hearts I agree, that was a great game. But it didn't have the marketing push of FF either.
Either way, I'm sure neither of us is going to convince the other either way.
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