@BigCat2K20: Beat Inquisition on Nightmare, before DLC came along or what patches may have improved the experience. Not going to consider the current state of the game but the experience I had
Story was bloated and tedious. Villain was very cheesy and poorly done, the plot to end the game was pretty stupid. Both being bad boss battles.
Mission structure is exactly what you would find in a poorly made MMO (go here, do one of three boring missions, have a cookie, rinse and repeat) everything respawns in the exact same spot, very suddenly and in a overly scripted manner. Which would be fine if the combat was good; however_
Tactical Battle mode has a really bad camera, yet it's worth noting I found Origin to also have a terrible camera. Very clunky and just very basic. Free roam combat is basically a F2P MMO, hits don't connect in any satisfying way, looks really bad, handles really bad, and I never feel good for winning a fight.
Could go on-and-on. However outside of graphics, I got nothing nice to state about Dragon Age: Inquisition. Mind you, I never claim my opinion is law. If you find it fun? we likely just enjoy different types/ or at least aspects of games. And that's fine in my view. DA:I did win Game Awards after all so some clearly enjoy it. For what reason however? . . I could not say.
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