The most overrated POS game I've ever played.
It deserves a 4/10 at best. Reasons why:
1. Stealth is not necessary to win. The fastest route is run'n'gun. MGS 3 had better stealth.
2. The story is not epic. It is stupid. Solid Snake is regrown from like his severed thumb. Octocon has a bizzarre incest confession. Raiden has both his arms chopped off so he grabs a sword in his mouth and headchops.
3. Cutscenes take forever. One is like 90 minutes I believe.
It is simply a bloated and excessive game that game reviewers slurped because 1) fanboyism/nostalgia and 2) Big-budget AAA titles have a min score of 8.5
I do believe that no MGS game has to be done stealthly to win. You have a choice and if you're one of those players that want to play the game properly, then you'lll play it how it's ment to be played. And MGS4 is ment to be played like every other, stealthily.
The story connects with the whole franchise and couldn't be more detailed. I'm guessing your a player that likes something simple, running around planet earth killing aliens type of gamer. If you asked any MGS fan what the stories all about, no matter how many times they've played it, they'd be finding themselves looking at the MGS database to find out more. It's sometimes that complicated you do wonder what people are talking about. However it is not overly complicated for the simple reason of trying to be Ala Assassins creed franchise. Which story is so basic and simple there's no need to fill it with sh't to try and make it hard to understand.
Solid snake is one of the best characters i've ever played in a game. Why you think he's a typical type cast character i don't know.
Otocon is a decent character with a quirky persona. There's nothing wrong with him at all.
Raiden on the other hand does not belong in the MGS franchise at all. You have alot of aspects in MGS which are very hyped enough to make sense. For example Metal Gears themselves are advanced nuclear weapons. Now we all know something like that in the future might happen. And MGsolids back story is of a nature where it could make sense in real life.
Despite this when someone like Raiden comes along, straight out of a japanese handbook and starts flipping around all over the place, taking down Gekkos like they were absolutley nothing. Then you wonder what the F'ck is this. Raiden is no Grey Fox and just simply doesn't belong in a world that MGS recides.
On that subject, none of the bosses in MGS4 belong in the franchise. I think in my opinion they're overly done to fit the needs of japanese anime lovers, who encounter these aspects in some of their shows. Plus what they portray in the first MGS, they don't even come close.
MGS is well known for it's cutscenes which add substance to the games storyline. There is enough game time in all MGS titles for me not to be bothered by them. But sometimes they're excessive. But none of them bad.
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