Does anyone else notice that pretty much every company is attempting a MMOG. I would figure at some point a company would look at the economic climate and the 11-ton Gorilla (WoW), this doesn't seem like a good idea. Sure, WoW is a PC and multiplayer icon that everybody wants to cash in on. But when the costs of producing a MMOG for this generation of gaming ranges from $30-$40 million plus the post-launch upkeep is relatively costly. Then you have the cocky younglings that think they have what is takes to take on the king (AoC, WHO) look at it's amazing user base, that's right we can't they already went back to WoW. With those two reasons I would figure developers and publishers would laugh at the idea of a MMOG that is trying to occupy the same space as WoW. Don't get me wrong I think a MMOG like SW:TOR create new space, but that's one game out of so many coming. I think gaming companies should take that money and invest in new IPs or Brutal Legend. IMO.
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