I remember that I used to own an M&M game on the Playstation. It was God awful :lol:
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MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch for PS2 (that considered a legacy console yet?). It was spot-on identical to the show but a terrible, terrible game. I literally button-mashed, not knowing what i was doing, and still won matches.
I disagree, but youre entitled to your own opinion. the worst game ive ever owned would be double switch, I had it on the PC when I was a kid, its one of those FMV games (it was on the Mega CD as well). its a terrible game, and very cheesy, in a bad way.The Sega Saturn :P not much to love about sega saturn.
surf Ninja's for the Game Gear.LP4EVA2005I liked that game... maybe because it was my only game besides sonic for a while..
The Atari Jaguar. I owned it for the entirety of a weekend before selling it to try to recoup some money. Aliens Vs. Predator was not worth keeping that system.spazzx625How about Rayman, Raiden, Super Burnout, Zool 2, Tempest 2000, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Cannon Fodder, Worms, Bubsy, NBA Jam TE, Missile Command 3D, Defender 2000, Breakout 2000, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Pinball Fantasies, and Ultra Vortek? Or Iron Soldier, Syndicate, Zoop, Towers II, Brutal Sports Football, Theme Park, Ruiner Pinball, Iron Soldier II, Flashback, Evolution: Dino Dudes, Double Dragon V, Attack of the Mutant Penguins, or Atari Karts? Or community releases like Soccer Kid, Total Carnage, GORF CIassic, Hyper Force, Protector SE, Skyhammer, or Space War 2000? Ridiculous comment. There's no way you can call a system crap after owning it for just a weekend. You didn't even attempt to look into its library. You probably only played the games that came with it (probably something crappy like Kasumi Ninja or Club Drive), then called it a crap system because you were too lazy to find anything good.
I got a few here.
N64: Yoshis Story, Gex enter the gecko, Mischief makers, Army Men sarges heros,
Snes: Lion King, Skyblazer, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.
While I don't really think any of these games are complete miserable failures. They stick out like a swore thumb compare to the rest of the AAA games I own.
lion king? what are you thinking man that game is freaking good manI got a few here.
N64: Yoshis Story, Gex enter the gecko, Mischief makers, Army Men sarges heros,
Snes: Lion King, Skyblazer, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.
While I don't really think any of these games are complete miserable failures. They stick out like a swore thumb compare to the rest of the AAA games I own.
Mario is missing (nes),boring game.
Wait, you find Super Mario Bros boring?
Nevemind... brain glitch.
[QUOTE="tequilero"]Mario is missing (nes),boring game.
Wait, you find Super Mario Bros boring?
ThePlothole - they didn't say Super Mario Bros Along those lines, the SNES version of the same game was just about as boring - I actually had a choice of it or Super Ghouls & Ghosts (hadn't played either before) and chose the wrong one.Yeah, at the time I wrote that it had slipped my mind that "Mario is missing" was the title of a game.
lion king? what are you thinking man that game is freaking good manbigM10231Haven't played it in a while, have you? Simba's movement is always just too stiff. Many enemies hurt you only because there's no way to maneuver around them. One of the buttons is wasted due to it being used for a roar that takes far too long to charge up and only effects three enemy types in the entire game (and it's not the most effective method of dealing with them anyway). The majority of deaths you experience will most likely be due to missing rocks that you have to swing on by no fault of your own and falling to your death. In addition, the game is pretty short those severe flaws aside. The graphics are good and the sound clips are great though. "The king-- has returned."i have played it yesterday. i think its a good game
[QUOTE="Lunchbucket16"]lion king? what are you thinking man that game is freaking good manI got a few here.
N64: Yoshis Story, Gex enter the gecko, Mischief makers, Army Men sarges heros,
Snes: Lion King, Skyblazer, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.
While I don't really think any of these games are complete miserable failures. They stick out like a swore thumb compare to the rest of the AAA games I own.
Hey man, it's my opinion. WHATEVA! I DO WHAT I WANT
I could give you a list of plenty to love about the Saturn, but I won't. Conan for the NES was the worst for me. That game was so random that everything was cheap. Monsters appeared from nowhere all around you at all times. And the controls were just horrid. It felt like the company that made the game didn't even bother to test it. And the graphics looked like it belonged on Colecovision or Intellivision (not quite as bad as Atari 2600), it didn't do the NES justice at all. It was so punishingly hard because it was made so badly, I made it the boss at the end of the 1st level once ever and celebrated like I had beat the game.The Sega Saturn :P not much to love about sega saturn.
Heavy Shreddin' for my nes. got the game in a bundle with a bunch of other games. I have "tried" to play it like 2 times, HORRIBLE. Maybe if i had instructions it wouldnt be so bad, but i doubt it. and WWF Raw for the 32x is pretty much horrible too. I tried to play that game a few times too, and it is complete garbage. I just got it because I was on a 32x rampage, picking up every 32x game I could find (toughman contest is pretty bad too fyi). but most of the games I own are half decent. The worst game i've ever rented was for sure was Supercar Street Challenge (ps2). I wouldnt buy that game for a dollar. Maybe for 50cents....
I have that game... I used to love it and I still do... bit too easy and short though, but it's fun! :PRugrats on the ps1
WWF RAW? i don't know what the 32x is but it sounds old... the reason I am confused is I don't remember a toughman contest and I had WWF RAW for the PC. It was on the Xbox too and I got it (for the PC) when it came out at the end of 2002...? For me, it would probably be Poy Poy or Z for the PlayStation. Z was just way too hard and the loading took over a minute... Poy Poy was just rubbish, in my opinion. Also, I never found the fascination with Ape Escape, personally :P.WWF Raw for the 32x is pretty much horrible too. I tried to play that game a few times too, and it is complete garbage. I just got it because I was on a 32x rampage, picking up every 32x game I could find (toughman contest is pretty bad too fyi).
I had the first Hugo for the PS1... it was fun for it's time.Hugo 2 for PS1. What the hell is even going on in that game?
[QUOTE="Talldude80"]WWF RAW? i don't know what the 32x is but it sounds old... the reason I am confused is I don't remember a toughman contest and I had WWF RAW for the PC. It was on the Xbox too and I got it (for the PC) when it came out at the end of 2002...?WWF Raw for the 32x is pretty much horrible too. I tried to play that game a few times too, and it is complete garbage. I just got it because I was on a 32x rampage, picking up every 32x game I could find (toughman contest is pretty bad too fyi).
The 32X was an add-on, much like the Sega CD, to extend the capabilities and life of the Genesis. In a way, it was competing against the Super FX chip-enabled games like Star Fox and Stunt Race FX on SNES - but ultimately proved to be unsupported and not popular enough with consumers.
RAW on 32X was very similar to the version of the game on SNES and Sega Genesis / Mega Drive - it was kind-of a sequel to Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game - the best way to describe it is like Mortal Kombat with WWF wrestlers and no fatalities.
These games were out in the early 1990's.
WWF RAW? i don't know what the 32x is but it sounds old... the reason I am confused is I don't remember a toughman contest and I had WWF RAW for the PC. It was on the Xbox too and I got it (for the PC) when it came out at the end of 2002...?[QUOTE="Ashley_wwe"][QUOTE="Talldude80"]
WWF Raw for the 32x is pretty much horrible too. I tried to play that game a few times too, and it is complete garbage. I just got it because I was on a 32x rampage, picking up every 32x game I could find (toughman contest is pretty bad too fyi).
The 32X was an add-on, much like the Sega CD, to extend the capabilities and life of the Genesis. In a way, it was competing against the Super FX chip-enabled games like Star Fox and Stunt Race FX on SNES - but ultimately proved to be unsupported and not popular enough with consumers.
RAW on 32X was very similar to the version of the game on SNES and Sega Genesis / Mega Drive - it was kind-of a sequel to Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game - the best way to describe it is like Mortal Kombat with WWF wrestlers and no fatalities.
These games were out in the early 1990's.
ill go through a list
WWF RAW SNES Terminator 2 judgement day SNES Bass Masters classic SNES troy aikman football SNES
its obvious what it is in the list
AVGN did a review of it here
just to clear up some facts, thats not the arcade version, im talking about the other one
I don't know. I was always the only one of me and my friends who liked Robocop for the GBC as someone mentioned earlier.
I also played an insanely stupid game called rockstar ate my hamster back in the day on my Amiga
When it first came out, I thought my Sega Saturn was a piece of crap, and who could blame me? All my friends had Playstations and I got stuck with the Saturn. Fortunately for me, I came to my senses after a few years and realized that the Saturn wasn't all that bad after all.
Moto Roader on the NEC turbo grafix 16. That game beyond sucked! Granted The TG-16 lasted a mere 3.5 years. I gave it a chance way back in 1989. This is the one of the worst launch titles in history! Shinbio Warriors for Xbox another horrible launch title & Charlies' angels for the Gamecube looked like game of the year compared to Moto Roader.
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