Hey Gamer-Guys and Gals,
I consider myself to be kind of a “backwards gamer”: Instead of always playing the hottest, freshest, newest games around, I usually wait two or three years (sometimes even longer) until the hype has died (and the games become considerably cheaper ;)) before I play them. In doing so, I often think to myself how absolutely overrated some games are even decades after their initial release. So just to satisfy my own curiosity in regards to this topic, I would like to tell you about my Top-10 most overrated Games I ever played and know your opinions on this. (Please note: I am almost pure PC and a little bit of a Retro-Gamer, mostly SNES and Gameboy that is. So, since I have barely any interest in modern console gaming, the following list is about PC and SNES Games only).
In my opinion the Top 10 most overrated Games ever are:
10. GTA IV
May be a lot prettier than the preceding GTA titles, but apart from the good graphics, there is really not much to it. Compared to GTA San Andreas especially, there was a lot less of gameplay content, the world was a lot smaller and a lot less diverse. The story and characters were much weaker than in San Andreas and Vice City, too.
9. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Good game but never understood the hype. Contrary to the popular opinion, I don’t think that the story is so special (apart from the plot twist at the end). Also, I think the gameplay is not that diverse and the environments feel pretty stale and lifeless sometimes. Award for best Star Wars Game goes to the Jedi Knight-Series.
8. Bioshock
Okay, the setting in a ravaged underwater city is absolutely fresh and kind of exciting to explore and the story is not that bad either. Apart from that: Just a simplified, more mainstream rehash of System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. If those two titles would have gotten the mainstream attention and hype that Bioshock got, I could actually believe that life is fair sometimes.
7. Tomb Raider
Has some cultural significance when it comes to gender equality and emancipation in video games (because of Lara Croft). If you leave that out, it is just a by the numbers Action-Adventure-Platformer with a very clumsy combat mechanic.
6. The Sims
This gets boring after literally 5 minutes. Why would you play a game that tries to simulate all the boring stuff from real life, like going to work and socializing with annoying people?
5. StarCraft
Okay, the three race are kind of different to play, I admit that, but the story is confusing, the characters are boring and in some ways it plays a lot clunkier than C&C or AoE. Besides, some of the later missions in Brood War are way too f***** hard.
4. The Legend of Zelda – A Link to the Past
There are no people on this earth, who hate Zelda and neither do I. But what is it about this game that it is called the best game on the SNES so often? I can see that it was a pretty good game for its time, but as far as classic games go: Why would you pick this over Secret of Mana?
3. Turok 2 – Seeds of Evil
As a guy who mostly plays FPS on the PC, I am kind of spoiled in that regard. But nevertheless: I gave this game multiple chances. I really wanted to like it. I finished it 3 times now, and even if it’s not the worst game I ever played, it certainly is one of the worst FPS I ever played. Stupid, practically nonexistent story, horribly labyrinthine level design, clumsy, imprecise controls and hours over hours of boring backtracking just to find a stupid key or feather. F***** bullsh*t.
2. Fallout 3
Not a bad game. I repeat: Not a bad game. But certainly not the shining diamond of modern RPG that everybody makes it out to be. I thought the gameplay to be pretty repetitive after a short period of time, the environment is pretty monotonous and lifeless even for nuclear apocalypse and the story is boring and absolutely anticlimactic. Fallout New Vegas was better, yes. But not that much.
1. Super Metroid
Seriously. I don’t get it. Cryptic, tedious, outright boring level design and gameplay, very, very, very slow pacing, a plot that is thin as paper, an absolutely sparse and mostly unimpressive soundtrack and the wall jumps are horribly difficult to pull off. Despite this, I see it on EVERY best-SNES-games-of-all-time-list among the Top 5. What is it about this damn game?
Looking forward to your comments!
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