Super Metroid !!!!!!!! It really is a great game that has been created.
And what about Super Mario Bros, I think it's a highly regarded game too.
You can't play a game decades later and say "er derp I guess it didn't live up to the hype". Gaming standards change any many games didn't age well, so of course if you go back to an old game, you may find it lacking by modern standards.
Gaming is changing so fast. Just wait until you play you play today's hottest lootbox games in 2-3 years OP.
You do realize, OP, that gaming has changed and you don't have to wait 2-3 years for games to drop in price right? Many of them drop as soon as a couple of weeks after release, believe it or not.
You can't play a game decades later and say "er derp I guess it didn't live up to the hype". Gaming standards change any many games didn't age well, so of course if you go back to an old game, you may find it lacking by modern standards.
Gaming is changing so fast. Just wait until you play you play today's hottest lootbox games in 2-3 years OP.
You do realize, OP, that gaming has changed and you don't have to wait 2-3 years for games to drop in price right? Many of them drop as soon as a couple of weeks after release, believe it or not.
yeah, true. gaming standards change. They became worse. The quality of games took a constant and massive shit-dive basically since around 2007/2008. So compared to modern standards, games from back in the day should shine even more today than during their hey-day, maybe not on the technical side, but definitely on the gameplay side (which they more than often do!). Besides, if you check the list i did for this thread, you will notice that most of those games are considered "timeless classics" which implicates that people think that they still hold up (at least to some regard) to even the most recent games. Hence the term "timeless".
For example, you mentioned the huge pile of shit that is called lootbox by yourself. Gamers, who played a incredible, DRM-free Diablo 2 back in 2000 will basically vomit in disgust in the face of "lootbox". So yeah. That argument of yours is invalid, sorry.
You're right on the second thing, though. Games become incredibly cheap incredibly fast nowadays. A sad example for the fact, that games nowadays are mostly poorly designed, dumbed down casual games for the masses, produced by slave-workers just to shovel billions into EA's pockets.
Any game I don't like because my taste is perfect.
I concur!
Seriously, in many of these examples, you'll see a case of "they weren't doing anything new but they finally reached the level of quality necessary to become actually good enough to go mainstream," and also a case of "you have to analyze this piece according to its time period." Bioshock is a good example of these factors. I'd say Bioshock dealt with its social philosophy propositions in a way that hadn't yet been seen at the time... plus Ryan rules!
In other cases, it's not about the quality of the game itself, but some other breakthrough or contribution that it may have brought. The Sims goes to show how much you can explore outside the realm of "superfantasized" settings and stories, it also goes to show how much bigger the "gamer" population can be if you just go to the trouble of making a game for other audiences.
There's also the cases where it's not so much about how good it is/was, just about how much people just... like 'em.
@vanilli: Oh, i see so you take some popular games you don't like and call them "overrated". I was totally gonna let your opinion slide but seriously, metroid? Super Metroid is the 2d Metroid to end ALL 2d Metroids! Nothing comes close and i say this as an unbiased 23 yr old who never owned a SNES.
Metroid is Boring!? really? I thought it was fun exploring everything in the game and unlike SOTN and its sequels you collect items that are useful to you and gradually become more&more powerful by the end of the game. I have yet to play a Metroid clone which outdoes Super Metroid's brilliant level design and its creepy atmosphere, Metroid is almost like Resident Evil before Resident evil. Super Metroid has one of the most ingenious level designs ever! It has such a vast map and yet it makes sure the player is on the right track, the items&abilities you get are always keys to reach new areas that you couldn't reach before.
"unimpressive soundtrack"
THIS is unimpressive?
"The story and characters were much weaker than in San Andreas and Vice City, too."
Is this a joke? GTA4 has the best story in all of GTA games. Niko's quest for revenge and his decisions are much more impactful than anything in SA or VC.
"it is just a by the numbers Action-Adventure-Platformer with a very clumsy combat mechanic."
Another ignorant sap, who thinks ONLY PS1 TR games exist on earth. TR Legend is one of the best games of its generation.
Borderlands 2, Fallout 3 and 4 and Witcher 3. I tried and tried several times, even with mods but never could get into any of these. I adored Skyrim but not sure why Witcher 3 just seems so crappy to me. I think it's Geralt's character and the 3rd person perspective that lose me the most. Borderlands, I liked claptrap character but I think the cartoon graphics kept turning me off and the whole loot thing. Fallout games have this really bland and depressing environment. There's nothing interesting to see and too often there's vaults I can't access early on in these places that are a pain or time consuming to go through later on, often to only find I'm still a couple levels too low to access it. The weapons are boring, the NPC's are stiff, rigid and overly boring not to mention too few and far between for the world to feel very alive though I have the same complaint with TES too in that regard.
@vanilli: Oh, i see so you take some popular games you don't like and call them "overrated". I was totally gonna let your opinion slide but seriously, metroid? Super Metroid is the 2d Metroid to end ALL 2d Metroids! Nothing comes close and i say this as an unbiased 23 yr old who never owned a SNES.
Metroid is Boring!? really? I thought it was fun exploring everything in the game and unlike SOTN and its sequels you collect items that are useful to you and gradually become more&more powerful by the end of the game. I have yet to play a Metroid clone which outdoes Super Metroid's brilliant level design and its creepy atmosphere, Metroid is almost like Resident Evil before Resident evil. Super Metroid has one of the most ingenious level designs ever! It has such a vast map and yet it makes sure the player is on the right track, the items&abilities you get are always keys to reach new areas that you couldn't reach before.
"unimpressive soundtrack"
THIS is unimpressive?
"The story and characters were much weaker than in San Andreas and Vice City, too."
Is this a joke? GTA4 has the best story in all of GTA games. Niko's quest for revenge and his decisions are much more impactful than anything in SA or VC.
"it is just a by the numbers Action-Adventure-Platformer with a very clumsy combat mechanic."
Another ignorant sap, who thinks ONLY PS1 TR games exist on earth. TR Legend is one of the best games of its generation.
So do you have an opinion very often?
Overwatch and Skyrim should have been in the list.
Sorry dude, haven't played either of 'em, so i can't really tell from my perspective if those two seem overrated...
@vanilli: Oh, i see so you take some popular games you don't like and call them "overrated". I was totally gonna let your opinion slide but seriously, metroid? Super Metroid is the 2d Metroid to end ALL 2d Metroids! Nothing comes close and i say this as an unbiased 23 yr old who never owned a SNES.
Metroid is Boring!? really? I thought it was fun exploring everything in the game and unlike SOTN and its sequels you collect items that are useful to you and gradually become more&more powerful by the end of the game. I have yet to play a Metroid clone which outdoes Super Metroid's brilliant level design and its creepy atmosphere, Metroid is almost like Resident Evil before Resident evil. Super Metroid has one of the most ingenious level designs ever! It has such a vast map and yet it makes sure the player is on the right track, the items&abilities you get are always keys to reach new areas that you couldn't reach before.
"unimpressive soundtrack"
THIS is unimpressive?
"The story and characters were much weaker than in San Andreas and Vice City, too."
Is this a joke? GTA4 has the best story in all of GTA games. Niko's quest for revenge and his decisions are much more impactful than anything in SA or VC.
"it is just a by the numbers Action-Adventure-Platformer with a very clumsy combat mechanic."
Another ignorant sap, who thinks ONLY PS1 TR games exist on earth. TR Legend is one of the best games of its generation.
Oh well, another 23 year old who has much to learn.
Okay, so you love Super Metroid. That's fine. I don't. But that has nothing to do with it's overrated or not. In this case I just don't understand, how a rather unimpressive game like this is held in such high regard, while epic SNES gems like Secret of Mana or Secret of Evermore barely make the Top 10 or even the Top 20 sometimes on all those "best-SNES-titles-of all-time"-lists. And that comes from someone who actually owned an SNES back in 1994. However, at least i have to give you some credit for actually playing some old games and trying to get the idea how games used to be back in the day.
Where you really should watch your mouth is, when you call other people "ignorant saps" just because they have a different opinion than you, especially in this case. I played every main Tomb Raider Game except for Angel of Darkness and Rise of the Tomb Raider, and everyone else who did so as well knows that while Tomb Raider Legend was better than Anniversary and Underworld, it was just a very mediocre and lackluster reboot that basically made absolutely no changes except pushing up the graphics to the standards of that time and simplifying the puzzles while throwing in some crappy vechicle-rail-sections to make it more action-oriented and even more appealing to the masses than the older titles. There is a reason why they had to reboot the Tomb Raider Series a second time in 2013, because Tomb Raider Legend was already outdated when in came out in 2006.
So, better get back to school and do your research, before insulting people with a different opinion, kiddo.
I was looking for a new game, was boring to play the same games, then i saw a totally different one! Its JOHN THE ZOMBIE, a zombie survivor game in a open world where you are the zombie! Its so funny to play and its on steam right now, u guys can check the video here youtu LETS START A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAHA, OUTSTANDING!
"I just don't understand, how a rather unimpressive game like this is held in such high regard"
Because its not unimpressive to a lot of people? Metroid is all about exploration and a sense of natural progression, its not everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't mean its bad or overrated its just not for you. Metroid games are FAR from cryptic btw, you can always find a way around or explore some new areas that will lead to another new area with more items and so on and so forth.
I completed Super Metroid without any FAQ's whatsoever, if it really was that cryptic i would be the first guy look for an FAQ, i'm the guy who gets stuck on Adventure game puzzles! i'm not exactly the guy who can tackle cryptic games.
"There is a reason why they had to reboot the Tomb Raider Series"
Actually, there was NO reason to reboot the TR series! Underworld was very good game, old TR games are what i'd call "Outdated" with horrible camera angles and controls! TR games on ps2 fixed them and made them finally playable, the new TR reboot is an uncharted clone which is nothing more than your run of the mill cinematic third person shooter.
Before I say anything, I think The Last of Us is a great game. It has a good story, likable characters, I enjoyed the stealth, and the graphics are beautiful.
However, I don't think it's amazing, let alone a masterpiece. Many people say its very emotional, but for me, I only found a couple parts emotional. Plus, I think TellTale's Walking Dead series is much more emotional and immersive. I also think that it's ridiculous when people call The Last of Us the best game of the last generation or the best game on the ps3. I think other games like Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption , etc. deserve those titles. If you think The Last of Us is a masterpiece, it's fine. But saying objectively that The Last of Us is one of the best games ever made is false. There are other games where the story and characters are as good, if not, better.
Don't get me wrong. I really like The Last of Us. It is within my top 30 favorite games. It is well made and polished. But I think it is just overrated.
Most overrated game for me? Hatred and Huniepop. While you can't find them anywhere outside Steam platform and both don't get reviewed elsewhere and in fact Hatred has been pummeled to the ground by critics including Gamespot yet it got "mostly positive" reviews in Steam. I believe most of Steam users are far-right racist, Islamphobic Andrei Brevig(I don't care how his name spelled) fanboys, much like its developers. In fact Hatred itself is an indirect but obvious "tribute" to that madman and his "deed" in 2011. The developers already made an ISIS tower-defense like game and currently Ancestors, an a Viking RTS game to show off their white supremacist ideology despite being based in Poland. They continue to make more games despite being a small studio because they knew what kind of gamers they want to cater and were successful with it.
As for Huniepop while they game itself is polar opposite to Hatred but it turned to be as "evil" as Hatred does, in this case on sex instead of violence. Rather than far-right racists/white supremacists this time the lonely ,horny "gamers", usually male ones are the culprits. It is quite fortune the follow-up game, Huniecam Studio didn't sold as much as Huniepop and effectively killed the franchise, for now.
Battlefield 3 granted the game was fun at times but it was pretty dumbed down and targeted to the COD gamers this is the start of the BF series going downhill.Battlefield 2 destroys BF3 in every way except for graphics and destruction but at least BF2 doesn't have that annoying blue tint god that made the game ugly at times.
F.E.A.R. 2 another game series that got dumbed down such a shame this game is so damn generic compared to the first one.
COD 2 and beyond pew pew spawn die repeat no tactics needed just sit back and wait for your health to regenerate.
Uncharted 4 beautiful graphics but mountain climbing simulator and the characters in this game are so generic all their little wise crack jokes are as about funny as a Full House episode.
F.E.A.R. 2 another game series that got dumbed down such a shame this game is so damn generic compared to the first one.
From your Avatar I can tell that you are as big as a F.E.A.R. fan than I am, so I'm happy there are still some fellow gamers who haven't forgotten this absolute gem of an FPS and love it as much today as back in late 2005.
However, i have to admit that i like the second F.E.A.R. as well for some weird reason. Sure It's a thousand miles behind the first F.E.A.R., the story lacks the mystery of the first, the combat doesn't feel quite as visceral and while the first builds up a very thick, eery and creepy atmosphere (in fact it's the only game that i can remember that gave me one or two nightmares), the second F.E.A.R. almost completely relies on cheap, Doom 3-like jump-scare-tactics. Still I think while F.E.A.R. 2 is very different from the first, it's still a very enjoyable game.
I would not say that it is overrated, because basically it didn't get that much praise and positive reception in the first place and people seem to have forgotten about the whole series in general. Which is totally relatable after that big pile of mediocrity that F.E.A.R. 3 was. I never saw such a steep decline in a game series :/
F.E.A.R = One of the best Games ever made
F.E.A.R. 2 = Definitely not as good as 1, but still an enjoyable, solid and comparatively well crafted shooter
F.E.A.R. 3 = Basically misses the core gameplay feel, mechanics and atmospheric themes of any F.E.A.R. game before it completely and therefore barely even resembles a F.E.A.R. game at all, except bullet time.
F.E.A.R. 2 another game series that got dumbed down such a shame this game is so damn generic compared to the first one.
From your Avatar I can tell that you are as big as a F.E.A.R. fan than I am, so I'm happy there are still some fellow gamers who haven't forgotten this absolute gem of an FPS and love it as much today as back in late 2005.
However, i have to admit that i like the second F.E.A.R. as well for some weird reason. Sure It's a thousand miles behind the first F.E.A.R., the story lacks the mystery of the first, the combat doesn't feel quite as visceral and while the first builds up a very thick, eery and creepy atmosphere (in fact it's the only game that i can remember that gave me one or two nightmares), the second F.E.A.R. almost completely relies on cheap, Doom 3-like jump-scare-tactics. Still I think while F.E.A.R. 2 is very different from the first, it's still a very enjoyable game.
I would not say that it is overrated, because basically it didn't get that much praise and positive reception in the first place and people seem to have forgotten about the whole series in general. Which is totally relatable after that big pile of mediocrity that F.E.A.R. 3 was. I never saw such a steep decline in a game series :/
F.E.A.R = One of the best Games ever made
F.E.A.R. 2 = Definitely not as good as 1, but still an enjoyable, solid and comparatively well crafted shooter
F.E.A.R. 3 = Basically misses the core gameplay feel, mechanics and atmospheric themes of any F.E.A.R. game before it completely and therefore barely even resembles a F.E.A.R. game at all, except bullet time.
I'm glad you enjoyed the sequel I tried really hard to but I just couldn't get past the weird design changes of the game. The guns look like plastic toys compared to the first game and also the gun sounds are weak and the hud in the game is so intrusive. I really have no idea what the hell Monolith where thinking I mean what is up with the glowing Slomo enemies they ruined bulletime to me. I never even touched F.E.A.R. 3 the original F.E.A.R. though is probably my favorite FPS of all time I still play the MP today it's cool to see another F.E.A.R. fan here. To me the original game is right up there with Half Life 2.
I definitely feel you on the weapons and the HUD in F.E.A.R. 2. The HUD is very irritating and is in fact one of my main gripes with the game. And while some of the weapons in F.E.A.R. 2 grew on me (namely the SMG and the standard Shotgun), most of them definitely feel weak and wrong. The semi-futuristic design of the weapons in the first F.E.A.R. was very fitting with the setting and tone of the game but in F.E.A.R. 2 they went way overboard with that. I could never understand why they changed the weapon design so radically, hence it is the main reason why the combat in F.E.A.R. 1 is so much more satisfying than in 2. Plus they took out the Dual Pistols. Wtf?
If you despised the weapon design in F.E.A.R. 2 already, it's good you stayed away from F.E.A.R. 3, dude. While most of the weapons don't feel particularly bad, their design is even worse than in 2. It's so far out there, it's almost cartoonish.
And yes, Half-Life 2 is right up there with F.E.A.R. 1.
It's a new account, so I just assume TC is trolling.
People have different opinions. This is the perfect place to voice them.
My personal take on this list : It comes down to taste. A specific game in a series having a better overall story arc than another comes down to personal taste.
Interestingly, most of the games listed have, in one way or another, been the foundation for so many games to come after them. As a result, they are regarded as of some importance to the general gaming community.
I did not enjoy all of them, but I can certainly recognize their value and how they each have impacted my hobby of choice.
Except The Sims. Seriously, **** that series... ;)
I can agree with you on the original Starcraft, a truly great game.
Diablo 2 is a tough call. It is a great game by most standards, the best of its kind by many. But it is regarded with such revered legendary status that I could see it being overrated, despite being excellent. But it is still being played 17.5 years later. Played it last night with other people. Tough call.
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