My list of over-rated retro games would look something like this:
Final Fantasy - Worst. Grind. Ever. Okay, not quite as bad as Dragon Warrior, but most RPGer's think Dragon Warrior is very mediocre.
Sonic The Hedgehog - Gameplay actually quite limited. Very pretty, though. -Limited? as in...? You run, you roll, you zip around and jump here and there. Woo hoo. While it may have been the first high-speed platformer, this series doesn't really get interesting until Sonic and Knuckles IMO.
Final Fantasy VII - The antithesis of VI in terms of gameplay, character development and concept; what it had in CGI cutscenes it lacked in character substance. Plus the story was f*cking ridiculous. -Not it wasn't,i liked it. That's just beautiful. Can you actually explain why you liked it? Because I can go into much further detail about why I didn't.
Final Fantasy X - 40 hour long RPG on rails requiring grinding, and with the most insipid characters since 7. I'll pass, thank you very much. Um.what? it had some of the best stories in the seies If you think The Young and The Restless has great writing, I suppose so. I quit partway through (probably about 2/3) because I couldn't bother with this piece of crap any further. The gridsphere is a pretty neat leveling system, and it's cool that they used it for XIII, but it's not enough to save this game from its shallowness.
Super Mario RPG - Short, boring. Neat combat system, though. Ok,i give Good call.
Top Gear - Top Gear 2 owns this. I have no idea why so many people think that an Outrun clone is better than sequels that are actually much more thought out, and play like they are.
Quake - Fugly as hell, interactivity is a huge leap backward, weapons are boring, level design is very uninspired.
Super Mario 64 - Looked like Mario, didn't feel like it. Left me feeling bamboozled. Plus I genuinely felt that Mario did not transition well to 3D at that time. You're completely wrong. I'm completely right. This is how I feel about the game. I have every right to feel this way because I've been playing Mario games since I was three. When the NES first came to North America.
Earthworm Jim - Stupidly hard, boring and did not feel like there was any real direction; I felt that I was punished far more than rewarded for exploration which greatly deterred me from playing. I didn't make it past the first level. Ironically, I nearly finished Earthworm Jim 2.
Super Street Fighter 2 SNES - framerate drops make this game very annoying, although multiplayer suite was absolutely fantastic and set this above its arcade origins. That said, Genesis version is arguably better. -SNES ver. still cool though And your point is?
Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The time limit made this game stupidly irritating - Nope,it made it better No, it made it frustrating. If the the three days didn't translate into a little over an hour, it might be cool; an hour per day is reasonable. 24 minutes, I think it was, most certainly is not.
Jungle Strike - boring as hell, but great concept. The sequels are much better and its contemporaries, the Mercenaries games, were absolutely fantastic.
Resident Evil 2 - Terrible controls especially compared to other contemporaries at the time; Capcom could have learned several things from titles like Shadowman. -I thought they were fine By this point in time, the Dual-Shock controller existed. There is no excuse for a consol game to have worse controls than survival horror game on PC.
X-Men Arcade - Felt like moving from one boxed region to another, uninspired gameplay compared even to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtless; Konami really dropped the ball in the name of the license there. Especially with somewhat unique contemporaries such as The Punisher which had much more to offer.
Double Dragon V - It was that bad.
Battletoads - stupidly hard, gimmicky. The kill animations are cool when you're six, but they don't hide the fact that the game's combat system is dumb as rocks.
Mortal Kombat - it's all about the gore. Other than special moves and finishers, the characters are carbon-copies of each other, and this really wouldn't pan out until 3. Clearly it was all about spamming specials; otherwise, everyone would be playing the same putz who punched and kicked high and low and fired off the same uppercuts, round houses and jump kicks. -Lol.have you played any recent ones? yeah.... Yes, I have. Have you played the original one, which I was referring to?
Final Fight - Shallow combat based around attack button spamming. Completely backwards from superior arcade brawlers like Double Dragon. Granted, it looked a lot prettier and Mike Haggar's suplexes and piledrivers looked pretty cool. Granted, Knights of the Round did essentially come of this, and that game was awesome.
Gauntlet - Boooooooring. Great quarter-killer, though. Granted, it more or less took Rogue and put it in a more accessible domain, but after a dozen levels, you want to gouge your own eyes out. Its later sequels - particularly Gauntlet Legends - are pretty good, though. Seven Sorrows is also much underappreciated.
Halo 2 - Completely undid much of the awesomeness of Halo 1 in favour of dual-wielding. The combat was poorly balanced and local multiplayer suffered from the pointlessness of disabling shields. If you've ever played Halo with no shields and human weapons only, you'll understand what I mean. Not to mention it was cut short so that Microsoft could have Halo titles ready for the 360 - completely the opposite of Bungie's promise that Halo 2 was the last one, and it left many gamers like myself feeling ripped off.
Ghost Recon 2 - Completely backwards; it took a brilliant thinking man's tactical shooter that focused on team work, tactical positioning and stealth, and turned into a twitch shooter. Eff you very much. Advanced War Fighter on the XBox sucked, and I didn't bother with the 360 version; I am liking Future Soldier quite a bit, though. Which brings me to my next one:
Rainbow Six 3 (console, can't speak for PC) - No planning elements, no team management; all of the depth stripped right down.Â
Metal Gear Solid 2 (aka Movie Gear Solid 2) - the game plays you far too much, and there's way too much emphasis on Kojima's pretensious assumptions of what tactical warfare and the relations between the participants should be. The ending left me feeling frustrated and deflated, like the whole thing was completely pointless. Die! the story was amazing,so many plot twists! gameplay was good,too. GFY. Plot means sweet all, it's purely superficial. The gameplay was good up until the point where the game screwed with you and turned itself into a giant unskippable cutscene. Just because Kojima is a pretensious douchebag doesn't mean that this is acceptable game design. I neither found this rewarding nor fulfilling, and it made me strongly dislike a game that I actually was liking very much up until that point. Half-Life - Cinematic does not equal good. Half-Life brought a lot of ideas that began in the DOS days to the fore-front as far as scripted design goes; it takes most of its cues from a game called CyberMage (an awesome but buggy mess). Conceptually, Half-Life is hardly innovative, and while its execution was good, I really didn't like it for all the hype (which is, granted, often a huge buzzkill for me which is why I ignore it until a game comes out unless I have access to real gameplay details). I enjoyed Goldeneye's multiplayer far more, and Half-Life's singleplayer experience left me feeling extremely underwhelmed as well.Oh, I'm sorry if I said something that hurt your ego, princess. This is a topic about games that we feel are overrated and why. Few people have actually presented lists and cogent arguments. Not my fault if I happen to do both and you disagree with my points. If you don't like my arguments, present some of your own, maybe we can get an intelligent discussion going.
Lol,ok look.
Just did. You know, it's probably more effective if you condense your thoughts into a couple paragraphs than to use my massive list. It would certainly be easier to read. And now I know why you called me a troll. I called out your preciouses ;) Don't worry, they're just games ;)
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