One night my bro and I were playing co-op on borderlands, both drunk off our a**. We got to a boss fight (can't remember which it was, but it was one of the higher level ones). We were on our fourth or fifth go, and decided we'd call it quits after this last one since we didn't want to deal with the respawns. After a lot of careful planning, organizing, and strategizing, we managed to milk the boss down to his last little bit of health, and we were in good condition, even though we were heavily outmatched. We began to celebrate early, getting all excited. "We got this! Awwww hell yeah, he's goin down! Fist bump!" We took one hand off of our controllers for a split second to bump fists... BOOM! Big a** explosion came out of nowhere in that split second our characters stopped moving, putting us on the ground. We were furious, screaming and swearing and both frantically trying to get our second wind. My bro died leaving me left alone with a hair of the boss's health left, almost completely bled out, wielding my just-good-enough assault rifle to finish the job. The screen faded completely black. And right when it did, "second wind!" We both jumped up and went hysterical. Good times..luno-gamer
It was a racing sim (PGR or Forza i think). Was on the finishing strech, and the CPU behind me did a pit maneuver on me. ended up making himself go off the track. So now my car is facing the wrong way, and the CPU in third ended up smashing me to the thru finish line. I came in first.
I just remembered one. I can't believe I forgot this! Was playing the 1st Marvel vs. Capcom on final burn alpha emulator on my laptop during lunch break at work a few yrs ago. I was playing as Wolverine and Jin Saotome from Cyberbots. Cpu also chose Jin, and we went down to the wire where Jin starts to highlight when his health is low. Cpu kept blocking and also lit up, so were trailing light tossing out Supers and blocking each others hits for half a minute.
A friend of mine who was very religious couldn't help but sit next door, and comment "maaan! They look like two demons fighting each other! "
So here I am navigating a tense round, while unwittingly juggling some semi-serious religious conversation, about symbolism and cartoon depiction while hopping about and trying to jockey for an advantage.
I narrowly pulled it out by using Jins Blodia Arm sucker punch, but I didn't get to savor the victory as much as I would have wanted as other older employees started chiming in.
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