ok so he is a casual gamer and he has a 360. so i tell him that half life 2 the orange box is coming and its gonna be so good and hes like w/e im getin halo 3. so i keep telling about it and actually called it the **** box. so we had a discussion on AIM and here it is:
kbhoops92: and its a professional company and they rate all games out of 10 with a full review...gguess the top4 rated games for xbox in ORDER
kbhoops92: 360
cbfronaldo77: uhh
cbfronaldo77: idn
cbfronaldo77: well i guess to be honest i really just dont care but for the record what is it?
kbhoops92: 1. oblivion 2. gears 3. orange box! 4. halo 3
kbhoops92: :D
cbfronaldo77: are you kidding me?
cbfronaldo77: wow
kbhoops92: nope
cbfronaldo77: thats bogus
kbhoops92: wtf how
cbfronaldo77: halo 3 set records kyle. over 3 million copies pre-ordered.
cbfronaldo77: what has the gay-box done?
kbhoops92: just bc its more popular does mean its the best
kbhoops92: half life 2 is better than halo has ever been considering half life is one of the top rated video games of all time in front of halo by a long shot.
kbhoops92: its the quality of the game not the popularity
kbhoops92: btw u've never played it
cbfronaldo77: alright
cbfronaldo77: well thats great but im still not getting it
kbhoops92: fine
kbhoops92: im just trying to convince u that half life is a good game
cbfronaldo77: i dont understand why they need it to have 5 different games...
kbhoops92: btw counter strike came from half life
kbhoops92: its a bundle
kbhoops92: half life 2, half life2 ep 1, ep 2, portals, and team fortress 2
cbfronaldo77: im watching a video of the gameplay... it looks pretty good. but the graphics look like garbage
cbfronaldo77: and what are the characters? its like a bunch of aliens and whatnot
yea thats pretty much it... idc if u IM me lol so ill just leave my screename on there. so what r your opinions
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