Just looking for some advice here, So basically I'm 16, have a job get, good marks and play Fortnite. Ive been playing with a playstation/xbox, coffee table, tv and a couch for the past year and a half and magically have amassed 875+ wins on Fortnite. I want to take my console and buy a desk, gaming chair and monitor but when I told my parents this they freaked out. They restrict my time playing a lot already and think I'm taking this game way too far even though I made $200 in week 1 of world cup qualifying.
When I said I'm just going to go buy a monitor and I'm going to get this basic setup they told me If I do, they'll smash the monitor and throw it away because it's against there values.
Kinda looking for someone else's opinion on this or just some straight up advice.
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