WARNING: If you regard Street Fighter IV to be the best Street Fighter game EVAR I would suggest you click on the "back" button located on the top of your browser. The following contains my criticism for the before mentioned games. If you find yourself remarking "Street Fighter IV is perfect and has no flaws! Super Street Fighter IV will only be adding MOAR AWESOMENESS!!" then you really need to leave.
I consider my self a huge fan of the Street Fighter serious. I've played:
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future
Street Fighter IV
Marvel vs. Capcom series (Excluding X-Men: Children of the Atom)
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
Capcom Fighting Jam (The only thing I liked about this game was the box art...)
So I think it's fair to say that at the very least I'm familiar with the series. Now let me get to the point of this topic. I'mgoing to rant on how dissapointing Street Fighter IV is to me. Not how it's disappointing to the whole Street Fighter community but to me. Why am I ranting you may ask? I guess because in some ways it makes me feel better. Maybe I'll meet some gamers who agree with some of the things I point out which would maybe lead to some awesome matches on-line (In regards to playing Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on the PSN). Maybe this will get noticed by some big wig over at Capcom which would result with a Street Fighter IV that meets my standards (Wishful thinking?). So there's a couple of reasons. So let's get to to it! I will now present a list of how Street Fighter IV disappoints! In no specific order mind you.(Maybe I'll go from least important to more important...kinda...semi...idk)
1.SELECTION OF FIGHTERS: With the first previews and the release of the arcade version in Japan I felt Capcom was trying to capture the feel of Street Fighter 2. While this game incorporates things from all of the Street Fighter games and even some new aspects the game quickly felt like street fighter 2 the first time you played it. While the arcade roster was missing lots of fan favorites (doesn't it always?) it felt right. When the game came to the console however the addition of Fei Long and Cammy totally changed how the roster felt. The roster felt incomplete! How can you only have 2 of the 4 new warriors? Whenever you look at the roster you would always wonder how awesome it would be if you had Dee Jay and T Hawk. Even if they weren't your favorite fighters. The equivalent of that would be if in Street Fighter 2 when they introduced the boss fighters if they would leave out Sagat. Except worse because your leaving out two(maybe better depending on how you see things). If they had just introduced the alpha fighters it wouldn't feel this way. Now I know that Dee Jay and T Hawk will be coming in Super Street Fighter IV but I will get to criticizing that game later...
2.ANIME CUTSCENES: I think there of poor quality but I guess that's a matter of opinion. I would have preferred if the cut scenes would have been done with the in game graphics like when you fight your rival. Let me know which ones you would have preferred. I read somewhere that Super Street Fighter IV was going to have new cut scenes. I don't know if their remaking the anime cutscenes or getting rid of them all together. It would be nice if someone could fill me in on that. Whatever the best Street Fighter Cut scenes were always art accompanied with text anyways. I would have preferred that then the anime clips( I like anime by the way...).
3.INTRO: When you start the game up you get this abstract music video. You watch it once and then never again. Why couldn't we have Ryu in 3D throwing a hadoken(maybe metsu hadoken) at our faces? You know that sounds awesome. A seizure inducing intro like in Street Fighter Alpha 3 would have also been nice. I don't expect an intro so awesome that we would sit down and watch it every time. I expect an intro that's cool enough to make it into my screen saver. Not a big gripe just a small detail left out. However its the small details that make great video games awesome and lack of details that make sequels disappointing...
4.BONUS STAGES: There weren't any. In Super Street Fighter 4 there will be. Small detail that's back now. We can move on.
5.MUSIC: First of all I'm not even going to mention the theme song. It's a love it or hate it thing. The majority of the in game music in my opinion stinks. It doesn't get my blood boiling. It's just there. I found the best songs to be the remixed versions of ****cs that ONLY appear whn you fight your rival in arcade more and in the lobby. Why couldn't I assign them in versus mode? Well the music is a matter of opinion. Let me know your take on them. Let me know if you like the majority of them. Liking one or two of the new songs and hating the rest doesn't count as liking them.
6.RIVALS: Not enough of them. In Street Fighter Alpha 3 you fought like two or three rivals. A small detail that again Capcom in now going to include. No longer an issue (unless you don't like the rival match ups...)
7.STAGES: I expect there to be a stage for every Fighter. If they did that in Street Fighter 2 then that's the standard they've created. They pretty much accomplished this in Street Fighter Alpha 3. They also accomplished this in Street Fighter 3 although some fighters just got a recolored stage.(Don't get stingy with the stages Capcom) More Stages in Super Street Fighter IV but is there one for every fighter now? Fill me in on this.
8.PRE FIGHT ANIMATIONS: Don't know what I'm talking about? Two examples then. Example Number One: In Street Fighter Alpha 3 it's Ryu vs Sagat. Before the fight starts Sagat lets out a menacing chuckle while touching his scar which glows in respone to Ryu. This gives the player the sense that this battle actually has meaning. Not just some random street fight. Example Number 2: In Capcom Vs Snk 2 Ryu and Ken fist pound each other before the fight. A friendly yet dangerous fight is about to ensue. These animations are a small but a very welcome detail. It's better than watching Ryu say "The answer lies...in the heart of battle" every single time he fights. These same animations betray the fighters character. Ryu isn't going to say that to Ken before his fight. He's going to acknowledge their friendship somehow. What's up with Guile taking off his sunglasses in the night stages? That's stupid. If Guile is fighting M.Bison(Dicatoer) he's not just going to put away his glasses carefully and say "Mission Start". He's going to be pissed and probably gonna throw a Sonic Boom which in turn would lead to M.Bison laughing it up and spouting some evil catch phrase. Very few people watch the current animations. These animations even help you decide which fighter to choose. If your friend picks Ryu and you have no idea who to pick you might end up picking Sagat or Ken just because you like their animation. I have no idea if these are coming back in Super Street Fighter IV. I would appreciate if someone could fill me in.
9.SAGAT: Not going to talk about how he's OP (at least not right now...). I'm going to talk about his Character. He's no longer a bad ass. What happened to his chuckle? His laugh is no longer awesome as it used to be. His scar no longer glows (To my knowledge it glows when he taunts in Super Street Fighter IV). What's with the wierd muay thai pose? He may use muay thai but he's not known for posing like that after he wins a round. He's known for laughing it up when your knocked out cold.
10.GUILE: Sunglasses? Ok cool whatever. What is up with his taunt though? "Come on"? That's stupid. I never taunt my opponent now...I realize you can unlock other taunts but that's his default one. To my knowledge you can only do one taunt in the arcade version (I could be wrong). What's up with him giving out thumbs up after a round? He's not known for that. He should be fixing his hair (seriously). He also got screwed over with his victory animation. He fixes his hair then while Ryu socks the camera or some other fighters take advantage of their screen time by showing off their awesome skills. I'm sure there are other fighters that weren't portrayed faithfully but those two are the ones that stand out to me the most. To my knowledge these things are not going to be fixed. Let me know if it's otherwise.
11.FINAL ROUND: In Street Fighter Alpha 3 do you know what happens when you get a double ko on round 3 of 3 (The Final Round)? The announcer(He was awesome in this one) yells "FINAL ROUND" and you get the what I like to call the "FINAL ROUND OF FINAL ROUNDS!!!". Both players are still heavy with the anxiety from the previous round but it's not just another round. The game throws in some kick ass music just for that occasion. The music gets your blood flowing and somehow just drives up your anxiety. This makes victory so much more satisfying. In Street Fighter 3 you get some bogus judgement screen which I think is the cpu just picking some random winner. In Capcom Vs Snk 2 you don't get any kick ass music but the songs are great to began with. In Street Fighter IV...both players are declared losers. To my knowledge this is staying the same. Fill me in.
12.CHARACTER BALANCE: Don't leave yet! I'll keep this kinda short. This games fights even though missing tons of things are still "good". If all the things I mentioned were included like better music, stages, etc then the fights would have been kicked up a level but anyways. Sagat is OP and Vega (Claw) is under powered. I personally don't lose much to Sagat (there so eager to throw their knees and uppercuts) but everybody even Sagat players admit he's OP. Vega has been OP since I can remember but they nerfed him way too much. I hate to say it but...he just slightly better than Dan(I know it hurts but we have to admit it). We won't be completely sure how the balance will turn out for a while...(I predict Balrog(boxer) or one of the new fighters will be top tier)
Now I admit it's a little late to start complaining about Street Fighter IV with it's revision coming soon but what exactly is this revesion bringing and is it anything that will fix the above mentioned? Let's see what we know...
1.NEW FIGHTERS: With the addition of T Hawk, Dee Jay, a new fighter named Juri, and some favorites from the alpha series the roster will finally feel complete. There's just the matter of the last two fighters. The rumor going around is that it will be one new fighter and one fighter representing Street Fighter 3. No one is going to complain about the new fighter but Capcom should make sure to pick the Street Fighter 3 fighter carefully since were only getting one. Obvious candidates (In no specific order) would be Ibuki, Yun, Alex (not as popular but he is the main character in Street Fighter 3), Hugo (He is in the background of one of the new stages AND fits in with the Final Fight fighters). I think we can agree that as long as they don't bring in Oro the roster will finally be solid.
2.NEW CUT SCENES: There apparently going to be completely new or at least extended. Can't really judge the cut scenes until I see them. If they show up I'll update the post as needed.
3.NEW INTRO?: Pretty sure there going to add a new intro. The intro was never really to big of an issue. It just wasn't kick ass (in my opinion) compared to past games. It will probably be some CGI music video.(Now that I think of it Street Fighter 3s intro wasn't too cool either. I guess well never see those kind of intros again. Retro doesn't appeal to the 5 year olds playing Halo I guess...)
4.BONUS STAGES: We didn't have them now we do. Good job Capcom. You managed to add something every other game had. Seriously why was this not in the arcade release...
5.MUSIC: With new stages come new music. Can't judge until I play the game. When it comes to the music I just want a way to play with those rival songs in the background. Don't keep your best soundtracks hidden away in single player mode. This game didn't even have a sound test mode (Which is normal in past games).
6.MORE RIVALS:This is great. The single player mode had definitely become more fleshed out. You say single player didn't really matter in the first place? It kinda did when you take into account that you had to unlock the fighters(Now we don't which is how it should have been but anyways...). While single player was more important in the days without online play it's still pretty important when you just can't find anybody online (you know it happens). You give arcade mode a run then go hit the lobbyies again.
7.NEW STAGES: To my knowledge the number of new stages isn't final yet. I've heard of about 3 or 4. It should be noted that past stages will be "tweaked". There were two problems past stages. First the music. If we don't find BOTH the visual and music appealing in a stage we won't play it. You could have the most visually appealing stage EVAR but if it's acompnied by some stock music who's going to select the stage? The reverse is also true. In Street Fighter 4 there were like 3-4 stages that had music that I liked. So I was playing only on those 4 stages. More stages can't hurt. Capcom has set the standard of one stage per fighter and has kept it till now. Don't start slacking off.
8.CHARACTER BALANCE:Can't judge till later. I can judge based off rumors but I'm planing to keep this thread updated untill the game releases (more on that later)
9.NEW ULTRAS:This is probably a whole nother post. I've seen almost all of them on youtube BUT won't comment until there shown by official means. I will say this though. I predict any new ultra that involves spinning will be considered by stupid by the fans. Also it would be EXTREMELY stupid if Akuma's new ultra is some lame made up move that is based on no past specials. This is stupid due to some awesome specials seen in the past that are obviously dying to make a reappearance.
Hey guys I edited some more stuff in. This time I started talking about the new additions. Semi ranting I guess. Not really finished. I've been very busy. Kinda edited this all in at the last minute cause I promised I would. Anyways let me fill you in on what I'm doing. I'm just causally throwing in my thoughts on street fighter 4. Sounds like a lot of ranting because I decided to focus on the negative first. Believe it or not I will focus on the positive but at the very end. I think this is gonna turn out to be a blog of some kind. Planing on updating this until super comes. When the super comes out I will review it as a street fighter fan to finish things up. So this will just be some material to read until the game comes out I guess. Gonna finish up my super section tomorrow (hopefully, I'll at least talk about the ultras a bit more). So yeah feel free to comment. I'm still updating this post with info that you guys bring up. This post is basically far from over. Of course Ill respond to your comments when I can. AHGRRHH MY KEYBOARD IS LIKE ITS MADE FROM STONE!!! FINGERS HURT! 1/11/10
That's actually it for now. I know I forgot something but I'll edit this post as I remember. I'll update this post as needed. Feel free to bring up things you think I should add to this list. I'll be covering Super Street Fighter IV in another post but I think I'll save that for tomorrow. Feel free to leave comments though for this section. I'll be reading them and replying until I put up my other post tomorrow. The biggest issue I think I have with Super Street Fighter IV is the new ultras look and feel for some of the fighters. You might see me post this topic on other forums like the Capcom one I guess. I will also edit in a summary for this post. So yeah feel free to even post contradictions to things I've mentioned. I'll discuss these things with you if you reply properly. 1/10/10
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