@Randolph said:
Game designers should be allowed to make the games they want, the way they want to make them. Their is no connection between a lack of characters from those regions, and a purposeful/racially motivated exclusion of them. The lack of presence of characters from that region also does not mean that the makers of the game believe "all Asia and it's martial heritage is represented only by Japan, China and Korea". Your entire post is baseless speculation mixed with a dash of hyperbole and topped off with a thick and ripe smelling helping of steamy hot pseudo intellectual keyboard diarrhea.
In short, this is a bad post, and you should feel bad for making it.
This. A lack of a character of a particular ethnicity is a far cry from any sort of racism against that race. There are more ethnic backgrounds in the world than there are characters in the Tekken roster. Is every game racist if it doesn't have at least one character from every ethnic background?
But more importantly, why is the ethnicity of the characters even important in a fighting game? I'm more interested in the marial arts styles for diverse play rather than getting hung up on race in a genre of game that has nothing to do with race.
"Sorry Randolph, but i did not make that statement. I did ask the question if it was on purpose, but 20 years is a long enough time to at least ask the question."
I have to call bullshit on this one. You asked a loaded question with an bundled ssumption that nobody agrees with. If I ask you "how often do you beat your wife" then I've already established with the question that you're a wife beater and it's just a question of how often. You didn't ask "is Tekken racist", you asked "is Tekken's racism deliberate" even though it hasn't been established that Tekken is in any way racist.
You talk about countries that are famous for their martial arts, but outside of people who study martial arts I don't know anyone who knows what Silat or Escrima who don't live in those respective countries. Muay Thai is widely known, but Tekken does have a Muay Thai character (who is black, just like in DOA). Although I'm sure it may exist out there somewhere in something like one of the KOFs, but I've never seen a fighting game that had a Silat character.
Finally, why single out Tekken with your ridiculous accusation? DOA has no Thai character, nor does Virtua Fighter (although both games have Muay Thai style fighters). What fighting game has a character who's specifically identified as Indonesian or Malaysian for that matter? It really seems like you haven't done your homework on this. Maybe there was more info in your blog, but you fail at linking so I can't even read it if I wanted to.
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