Why Vegas?
What's up with Vegas trend?
Great, now the game that was already too barren for it's own good will get even more barren thanks to the desert setting.
I was hoping for more interesting location like NYC or something.
But whatever, I hope this game comes with good main storyline, something Bethesda never has done well before. Also involvement of factions, so it will feel like my character belongs with a group instead of just another loner in the empty world.
Vegas might be interesting. The barren land will be a part of it but what's happens in Vegas? Get it? It can be compelling with a lot of unexpected things that can happen. Plus, I'd love to see if the developers put in Hoover Dam. Imagine the scale and setting that can present! mobs, hookers, and gambling.
eh, not really interesting.
I'd probably enjoy more of the political plots that existed in Fallout 3 (Big Dog vs President Eden, Slave rights vs Slavers, etc)
Only thing I didn't really enjoy in Fallout 3 is the lack of factions. I felt like they had a chance to really expand on that, especially with slavers, but it was left untouched and bare minimum effort was put into by making it simple side quest.
and wasn't big selling point of Fallout 3 was seeing historical landmarks ruined? Is there anything in Vegas that people can recognize immediately? Ruined Empire State building and ruined Statue of Liberty would catch more attention in my mind. Sure it's been done in movies quite often, but not much in games.
Well, I think it'll be interesting and fun. I love the whole mysterious and unexpectedness in games like these. Exploring and discovery is part of the fun. And since Bethesda is probably working on Elder Scrolls 5, so the more Fallout the better. Obsidian are ex-Black Isle guys right? And they did a admirable job with KotOR 2 and NeverWinter Nights 2, so I expect Fallout Vegas to be good too. Not as good as the original, but it'll definitely be a good expansion of it. But yeah, Fallout 3 New York or LA would be crazy. New York would be too huge and LA would be crazy. But I think Vegas is crazier than LA with more things that can go on....more crazy mutants and inhabitants that's for sure!
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