When in the f*** did originality matter THAT much? Just because something is original, doesn't make it good or superior.nintendoboy16
Nobody said it did.
Now what I'm talking about is how Factor 5 copy and pasted level designs across Rogue Squadron games, and how by RSIII they did absolutely nothing with the flight sections that they hadn't done multiple times before.
With that game they tried to add new things by adding the on foot missions, and they made an utter mess with those, so it the end we have the same old flight sections with better graphics interspersed with crappy on-foot levels.
btw, what was so unfinished about the third one?nintendoboy16
I dunno, maybe the fact that half the levels looked liked smoothed out PS1 graphics whilst the other half looked like some of the best graphics on the system? the graphics in that game went up and down like a yoyo.
The on-foot levels had horrible controls, were poorly animated, and had awful, clunky gameplay.
What was so lazy about REmake?nintendoboy16
It was a remake.
I guess Capcom were like "Shit! we have to make polygon environments for our survival horror games now, after Code Veronica we'd never get away with just scanning artwork and hanging it on the background like wallpaper anymore, oh wait! we'll just remake the 1st game! journalists will go easy on its old gameplay due to it being widely regarded as a classic, and nostalgia, and the consumer base is already there as the game already has tons of exposure and there's already and audience for it." etc etc
Remakes are always inherently lazy, low risk ventures to make extra cash.
Not only that, why are you crediting Nintendo for it when it was CAPCOM'S decision to remake it?nintendoboy16
I didn't credit Nintendo, I said it helped to make Nintendo realise they could just re-release their old games with a new coat of polish as a means to print money.
Both Rogue game are high rated on MC.jakandsigz
RSIII is fortunate in that it includes the entirety of RSII in it as a co-op game.
That a deal you just can't ignore.
the definitive version of ooTjakandsigz
The main thing that I noticed about Oot on GameCube was that it was neutered and censored (with the ending especially losing impact), and that it had inferior Fire Temple music.
Also, only on GameCube would Geist be considered a notable fps
I really wanted to like that game, I got it soon after release, it was painfully dated and mediocre.
and judging by the Metacritic & Gamerankings scores critics agreed with my opinion.
its a 5/10 - 6/10 game through and through.
I own both. Gamecube is far better than N64 because Gamecube regains third party supported very slowly.deafnycplayer
Pffft, scraps is what they got. Nintendo went from having a few companies creating dedicated N64 games to slightly more handing them PS2 & Dreamcast scraps.
and then there's Capcom with their "we're going to give Nintendo fans loads of high profile exclusives" schlock, translated as "we're going to use GameCube as a test market for a few games and unload a ton of lazy ports to squeeze more money out of our old software".
And that's not even going into 2nd parties, with them losing Rare
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