A few points I'd like to address here. Sorry for not quoting, Glitchspot is rearing its ugly head again...
"This time around, the Wii U boasts absolutely NO advantage over the PS3 or Xbox 360. In terms of power, the three consoles are more or less on par with one another (at least the vast majority of consumers won't be able to tell the difference). With the introduction of the PS Move and the Kinect, and the fact that the main controller for the Wii U is still just the old Wii remote, Nintendo has also lost THAT advantage that it had initially with the Wii."
First off, if Nintendo has demonstrated anything in the past, it's that success is not contingent on hardware specs. And if the vast majority won't be able to discern a difference, then it's a moot point anyway, right? As far as has been rumored, the Wii U will be slightly more powerful than the 360 which is frankly far more power than I can see Nintendo really caring to need. Secondly, how is the new controller no advantage over what the PS3 and 360 have to offer? It's a huge advantage.....I don't see anything but advantage.
"Although some may disagree, it seems to me that the new controller is one of the most pointless gimmicks (or features, if you want to call it that) in gaming history. Never, ever have I had a problem with "sharing" a TV screen with someone else, but I guess if this is a big deal for you, Nintendo's got your back ... for most people, however, I would think that this is just a way to drain energy by activating an identical, SECOND screen when human eyes can only even look at ONE at a time. I sincerely doubt that everyone "and their grandma" are going to be as enthralled with this new "feature" this time around."
If anything, I'd argue that the Wiimote (and especially the 3D in the 3DS) have been far more gimmicky and pointless than this new controller could ever hope to be. Their functionality was (is) superficial at best, unlike what a touchscreen can offer in terms of depth in comparison. This is a much welcome step back to a more traditional control method, with a touch screen to boot, which Nintendo has shown to be extraordinarily successful with the DS and will continue to do so with the 3DS (even though you can only look at one screen at a time :) ). What makes you think it's going to be any different here?
You need to open your eyes to the broader possibilities that the second screen on the controller will bring to gaming. It's not just going to be a second TV to be able to use when Mom or Dad gets home and wants to watch the news, it's going to work in conjunction with the Wii U while playing. Have your watched Nintendo's press conference? Did you see the demonstrations? It honestly comes off to me like you haven't and have just looked at it once and made up your mind it's a joke. How exactly is a touch screen in a controller not an advantage over what Sony and MS are offering? I see it as nothing but bringing more ease of usability and further innovation to the user and game. If you can't see the possibilities that this new controller will bring to the table, you're just not looking hard enough or simply don't wish to see it. Nintendo has proven that touchscreen technology is not a gimmick and can be a very useful addition to a more user friendly, convenient and deeper gaming experience, and personally I'm very excited that we're finally getting to see this tech being utilized on a home console.
"Are people really that hard-up for ANOTHER Super Smash Bros. and ANOTHER Mario Kart and ANOTHER Super Mario Bros., which are all going to be more or less the exact same thing we've seen in the past and recent present? Even the fanboys must be getting sick of the same-old, same-old by now."
I'd have to fully agree with you here. It is getting tiresome playing the same games, although to Nintendo's credit they always do seem to manage in some way to try to innovate (Mario Galaxy) to help keep their franchises fresh, although I can't say the same about Zelda. Something needs to be done with it, SS is the first in the series I'm contemplating passing on, which is something I never thought I'd say. Perhaps I've just outgrown it.
"The most important reason of them all, $$$. I submit that the price tag of the Wii at launch was 80% of the reason why Nintendo's console outsold the other guys. This time around, Nintendo is offering a console that has no real advantages over the PS3 or the 360, and yet will probably be PRICIER than the other guys ... the other guys that have already built a strong library of games, whereas the Wii U will be just starting out with a few launch titles. It's just simple logic that Nintendo's in for a world of hurt."
No, not the most important thing, because it's pure speculation at this point. I'd be very surprised if it hit the market over $300, which is reasonable in my eyes. And yes it'll just be starting out, but a launch line-up has not even been announced yet and you fail to mention that it is backwards compatible with the Wii which brings all those games into the picture. And again, I don't understand where you're getting the idea that the Wii U offers no real advantage over its competitors.
"And God knows what effects the 3DS is going to have on childrens' eyes. How long before Nintendo is knee-deep in lawsuits from angry parents of newly-blinded children. It doesn't take a psychic to foresee that Nintendo's seventh-generation success is going to come to a screeching halt. And maybe I'm just tired of having to buy new Nintendo consoles all the time simply to play the same old games with new gimmicks or "remade" in HD or 3D or whatever."
This again comes off as very bitter. Are you LOOKING for things to blame Nintendo for? I don't think I've seen such spite in quite a while. Btw, I can't get my hands to stop shaking after playing with MS and Sony's controllers for hours on end, and have filed suit against them. I'll let you know how it goes....
You can mark my words.....you'll be seeing very similar features and "innovations" from Sony and Microsoft a few years down the road. It happened with motion controls, it will happen here as well. People have cried foul at every new radical hardware advancement Nintendo has made in the past (DS, Wii), and Nintendo has always ended up laughing all the way to the bank. I have no doubt they'll continue to do so now and in the future.
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