well see thats the problem...the parents dont care/have time to pay attention/want to pay attention...they just want to blame someone(the industry)...all of the games are clearly marked with what content is them...just as movies are...if u can buy a movie with nudity from a retailer...then i believe u should be able to buy a game with nudity from the same retailer...its the same exact thing to me...and if u dont want ur children exposed to that sort of thing...then set up and be a parent...dont let them have the game...and if they complain/throw a fit...be a parent and stick to ur guns...thats what the whole thing is about...if a game says its 17/18+ then its for 17/18+ yo people...dont let ur 12 yo who just figured out what w****** off means play the game...heck...dont let them run the household...which definitely seems to be the problem these days...(i have a blog post about this on gamespot btw if u all are interested...cause i really hate the double standards that "adults" have in life)
I'm a parent my self these days. Though my child is only one month old. I'm not gonna lie, it's hell on Earth raising a child. It's not like they say in the movies or some bull like that.. it's the biggest commitment i've ever had. But i love my son. Not only that, but $$ is hard to get..
.......... My point is that some people are never ready 'on the go' to raise a child(you know?). They learn, if they want to, as time goes by. Some don't. Some just spoil their child to a point were sooner or later, it's gonna be to late. I've seen peeps out there that buy their 9-10 year old a 360, mics, popular shooters, and let them do what they wanna do. I feel as if that's wrong, and it's the worst thing a parent can ever do to their kid.
Obviously i agree, it's their responsability. I agree with that bolded part whole heartedly. Damn, i've seen how some kids act in supermarkets.. they basically command their parents to buy what ever they want...
well i played games at a very young age...they are actually my first memories...but my brother was 9 years older than me and my dad needed a computer for his work...so when he upgraded we got fed the hand-me-downs(born in '90)...but when i wanted certain games...if my parents felt it was inappropriate...then they said no...and what i loved/hated about my parents(loved in hindsight) was that when they said no...they always let me get my way(i could either do what they said with or without a spanking--guess which i wanted XP)...also when i was 10 they started me with chores and had me earn money by doing them(5usd a week for a while) and i could earn enough money to buy what i wanted...with their consideration if it was appropriate...but as soon as i could drive and get a job...they were pretty free about it...looking at some of my friends in college...they guys raised like me act like me and everyone sees them as responible...a few of my friends were spoonfed everything they asked for...they have no job...and have dropped outta college and live in their moms house playing minecraft all day while watchin syfy...tell me which upbringing was right? lolz...i think maybe its easier after the first kid...i was the last of 4...so they had their s*** down by the time i popped out...but some of my friends raised like me were firstborns so maybe its the way the parents were brought up that has a lot to do with it as well...but OT...i think if u can get R rated movies with boobies...u can get M rated games with boobies (both are 17+)
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