Just finished the campaign. Took me 4 and a half hours on Rookie. Shortest campaign I've ever played. Even MW2 took me 6 hours. Act 3 was like an hour, and I actually died a few times. Regardless, Im glad it was that short because i actually got bored playing it. Im so not a fan of how CoD games play out, but im glad this game wraps thing up nicely so I wont have to put myself through it again. :lol: And wont have to put you guys through my impressions. ;p
Anyway, the game had some pretty great moments. overall I liked the setpieces in MW2 better. What's here is all action without the build up. Favorite moments, the NY levels, the Paris level, the airplane and train sequences, the awesome last breach sequence, and the last fight. The game is at its best when its putting you through crazy setpieces and sniper battles.
I thought the graphics were extremely low res and there were times that they really took away from the setpieces.I kept saying to myself this is an insane setpiece, it should look more spectecular. The soundtrack was nothing to write home about, kinda disappointing since hans Zimmer's MW2 soundtrack was one of the best soundtracks ive heard. I also didn't like how the russians are impossible to spot in the enviornment. Hated fighting them. i got all happy whenever we went to africa, i was like yes!.... though writing it makes me sound a bit racist. :lol:
Didnt think the girl scene was controversial at all. Hell, the game was a lot more sensitive about civilian deaths. the flooded brooklyn tunnel scene in the NY level conveyed more tragedy than anything IW had done prior to that.There were countless other scenes where they finally showed the toll war takes on civilians in Prague and other cities, first time they've done that since the amazing intro of CoD4. So no, no problems here.
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