It is in part the control scheme, you move the mouse like you would move your hand to do things in the game, like pulling out a drawer, you should pull the mouse towards you, open a cubbart, and you would make a swining motion with the mouse. It might sound clunky, but it worked beautifully.
It is in part that the game never really leaves your characters eyes and body.
It is in part how the levels were made and look, while I could have been without the pink goo, I found the slow walks down the empty halls of the old castle white impressive, with how the light of the lantern shone back from the rocky bricks, and how the game made you feel so lonely.
It is in part because when it is not quiet, you feel hunted and valnurable.
It is a very good game, and immersive in part because it is not a power fantasy, and the game is built to acomindate the feeling of being being hunted, alone and ever so fragile.
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