Personally, the first horror movie I saw was the Grudge and it scared the crap out of me (sue me, I was in 5th or 6th grade and hadn't been exposed to any horror before). Since then no movie has really scared me, and I have seen somethat I have heard where supposedto be terrifying(The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Alien, the Descent, the Ring, Nightmare on Elm St., and about a million others). None of them have managed to scare me, movies just don't scare meanymore.
On the other hand, say what you will, certain games have scared me. I mean I haven't ever had nightmares from playing Resident Evil or anything THAT far, but they seem more capable of scaring me than many movies. You are actually in the game, not just a spectator.
For example, I always played Halo (the original) at my friend's house. We both got really good at the campaign mode, but I was never there long enough to make it to the part with the flood. We played on legendary, and we finally made it to the flood and holy crap, neither of us wanted to go forward. I remember one part in particular (don't remember the level), where I rounded a corner and suddenly see an orangeish tentacle hanging over my screen from behind.
Another example, just today (this is what got me thinking about video games scaring you) I was playing Resident Evil 4. I just got it for Wii and am having a blast. Man oh man, I'm not like unable to play it or anything but the feeling of suspense it keeps going is mindblowing for a video game. Even at the very beginning of the game, turning around only to be greeted by a revving chainsaw to the face is much freakier than I could imagine a movie being. Later on it gets worse. I'm past rescuing (small spoilers I guess) Ashley from the church and am going back through the village. Everything is dark and you can't see past 5 feet in front of you, but lightning occasionally lights up the place. Man, it's great, you hear a moan but you can't see where the damn guy is coming from, then the lightning hitsand you just see the outline of a farmer about to throw an axe at you. It's very intense, and I have yet to have that much suspense OR jump-out type scares put on me from any movie.
Even Doom 3 had a few great pop-out scares in there. The first time you fight that giant ugly dog thing (don't know what it's called) was a pretty intense part, and near the beginning of the game when you first start seeing the hell creatures or w/e come out of the shadows you can get a few cheap jumps.
So in conclusion, though none of those three gamesreally scared me a TON or anything (I wasn't shaking in my sleep or anything), eachat least startled me or put me in suspense enough to beat or match any movie I have seen.So what about you? Am I the only one that feels this way?
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