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Let's see...
1. Which platform do you play the most?
PC, by far.
2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
A bit of everything. I particularly play lots of single-player RPGs (like The Witcher, Bioware's titles, etc), online RPGs (like Guild Wars or The Secret World), point'n'click adventure games (like The Walking Dead) and various indie titles (like Minecraft or The Binding of Isaac).
Xbox 360
Mainly things that I cannot get on the PC. Lots of Japanese RPGs (like Final Fantasy or Tales of Vesperia) and action games (like Bayonetta or Vanquish).
First-party Nintendo titles. Mainly platformers (Mario, Donkey Kong) or party games (Smash Bros, Mario Kart).
Puzzle or adventure games, like Phoenix Wright or Virtue's Last Reward.
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
The PC has the cheapest games, the best variety of games,/genres the best online download services/stores for those games (Steam, GOG, etc) the most powerful versions of games on multiple consoles, the best control options(mouse/keyboard/controllers), mods and additional content, no long install times, no more disc requirements, on.
Also, my gaming laptop is more powerful than all current-gen consoles, so I can easily play on the couch in front of a big-scren TV.
4. What do you like best about each platform?
PC: See above. It has the best of everything, and the biggest range of options for us players.
360: I like the unified achievement system. It really does encourage you to keep playing games after you have finished them.
Wii: Nintendo's franchises, like Zelda and Metroid. They're always very high quality experiences.
5. What do you not like?
PC: Delayed releases. There is no reason why PC verions of games should come out six months after the console versions.
360: Paying a subscription to play games online.
Wii: Their weak online services.
6. Can I use your username in the paper?
Sure, I guess so.
1. Which platform do you play the most?2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
4. What do you like best about each platform?
5. What do you not like?
6. Can I use your username in the paper?Savalric
1. PC.
2. PC - Pretty much all multiplats(New Vegas, Max Payne 3, etc.), old games modded to look good and play well (Doom, Deus Ex, System Shock 2), adventure games (To The Moon, Ceville, etc.) and in general the exclusives (Legend of Grimrock, Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga, Mount & Blade: Warband, etc.)
SEGA Saturn, PS2, Wii - Exclusives in general that i cannot get on the PC. Shmups, JRPGs, Platformers, Fighting games. I'm mostly playing my Saturn these days, to many quality games that i've missed here that aren't on any other platform. Especially Mech games like Bulk Slash and Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story 1, 2 and 3.Â
3. To play games, and work (working at home).Â
4. PC - it's practically unlimited freedom, unlimited quality content, unlimited backwards compatability, and vastly superior graphics.Â
SEGA Saturn, PS2, Wii - Nintendo exclusives, exclusives in general and simplicity.Â
5. I'm satisfyied with each of them, i can't think of any dislikes at the moment. I sold my PS3/360 long ago because they weren't worth keeping around as much as my old consoles, so i guess that qualifies.Â
6. Sure.Â
1. Which platform do you play the most?
Consoles 2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
i play shooters and mmo's on pc, and rest of the games on consoles
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
Because it has good exlusives and easier to acces the games in my opinion.
4. What do you like best about each platform? PC has more power and can do more with a game. Consoles are better for one function and are more user friendly
5. What do you not like? PC can get too complicated with some games, and mouse and keyboard can get annoying. Console don't have as good graphics and potential as pc.
6. Can I use your username in the paper?
1. Which platform do you play the most?
PC and it's not even close
2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on?(i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
PC: Singleplayer RPGs like Mass Effect, Witcher, Strategy games games Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 1 and 2 and civilization, MMOS like Star Trek online, First Person shooters... really I play almost every genre on PC
XBox 360: Its exclusive games like Halo, Gears, Lost Odyssey and games that were released on consoles but not on PC
PS3: Mostly its exclusive JRPGs like Valkyria Chronicles, the Atelier games, etc. as well as games that were released on consoles but not on PC
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
It's the platform with the most games, the most highly rated games, multiplatform games are better on PC 95% of the times, it has the best online, games are cheaper.
4. What do you like best about each platform?
PC: The ammount and variety of games and great games
360: Its exclusive games and the 360 controller
PS3: Its exclusive games
5. What do you not like?
PC: Having to upgrades I guess, but then again, buying a console could also be considered "upgrading"
360: Having to pay for multiplayer and the RROD (I still have an older model)
PS3: Not really a fan of the Playstation Network or the PS3's multiplayer games, also not a fan of the Dual Shock 3
6. Can I use your username in the paper?
meh, knock yourself out
I've got a PS3 and I'm building a gaming PC this summer. I'll also get a PS4, probably next summer assuming the rumors we've heard about launch date and pricing are correct.
Main advantages of PS3: Lots of exclusive games that interest me, as well as plenty of multiplatform games that aren't available on PC. Lower price. Does absolutely everything that I could want out of a home entertainment center - plays Blu rays, DVD's, CD's, lets me store my music on it, streams Netflix, etc.
Main advantages of PC: lets me play games that came out at the end of this console generation with significantly better graphics quality and higher frame rate than consoles. Lets me download mod's. Lets me upgrade the hardware whenever I want. It's also a lot of fun researching what parts to use and trying to balance that against my budget. It's like a whole extra aspect to the hobby.Â
Downside to consoles: Can't upgrade. Near the end of the generation when games have outgrown the 6 year old hardware, frame rates and in some cases graphics really suffer.
Downside to PC's: Much more expensive if you actually want to build something that will play most games with maxed out graphics at 60 frames per second. Like 5 - 6 times more expensive than what an Xbox 360 currently sells for. Games mostly consist of console ports, MMO's, RTS games and a whole huge pile of low budget games. Personally I'm not interested in MMO's or RTS games and will mostly be playing console ports once I get my PC built.
1. Which platform do you play the most?2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
4. What do you like best about each platform?
5. What do you not like?
6. Can I use your username in the paper?Savalric
1) I play on my PC most of the time. Play the PS3 occasionally.
2) On PC I play MOBAs (multiplayer online battle areans), FPS, TPS, action/adventure, WPRGs, indie, strategy and visual novels. PS3 I play some action/adventure, racing, JRPGs, brawlers and some action games.
3) Built my PC specifically for gaming.
4) PC I love the never ending backlog, the freedom of the platform, higher perfomance and visuals in every game and it being the ultimate media machine. PS3 I like the controller I guess
5) Don't like on PC how everything has to through some client. Lots of anti-consumer moves. Shoddy PC ports.
6) sure
1. Which platform do you play the most?
To be honest it's a tie between my PS3 and PC
2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on?Â
Consoles: WRPGs,TPS,FPS,AA,Beat em ups/Hack N Slashers,Survival Horror
PC: WRPGs,RTS,FPS,MMOs,Survival Horror
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
I mostly try to game a few times on my console, then a few on my pc so it switches up my play style
4. What do you like best about each platform?
The games (I personally love a controller though over a KB/M)
5. What do you not like?
Genre wise: Racers,Sports,Rail Shooters
PC wise: Don't like the fact I'm not very fond of KB/M,hotkeying (makes the game easier/dumbed down),modding while it can be fun sometimes it's a pain in the arse if it's not Skyrim nexus or steams workshop, it can be very expensive
Console wise: paying for XBL,motion controls,lack of exclusives
Gaming in general: video game critics/reviewers,fanboys,people who judge a game w/o playing it,Square Enixs down fall of making quality JRPGS
6. Can I use your username in the paper?
1. PC
2. On PC I play almost everything: strategy, action, FPS, RPG, adventure, simulation, racing. I use my 360 for select games that are not available on PC such as Red Dead Redemption, Fable II, Halo 3, Midnight Club: Los Angeles.
3. I bought it because it does everything, it's the only multi-purpose platform.
4. I love almost all aspects of PC gaming: options, library breadth, affordable games, deep games with long lasting value. It is without a doubt the best long-term investment.
5. The thing I don't like about PC gaming is that the lack of proper optimization for a large variety of hardware can lead to some frustrating issues, although most can be resolved. As for consoles, I dislike that they are closed platforms in complete control of their respective manufacturers. Everything is set up in such a way to squeeze as much money from consumers as humanly possible. Also, console games generally tend to be shallower and their longevity rather short.
6. Yes.
1. Which platform do you play the most?Â
PCÂ2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
World of Warcraft on PC, Sports and racing games on the consolesÂ3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
To work, browse the internet and play World of WarcraftÂ4. What do you like best about each platform?
Consoles are easy to work with and PC has a huge and helpful gaming communityÂ5. What do you not like?
Consoles have a bunch of immature kids online and the PC takes forever to troubleshoot gamesÂ6. Can I use your username in the paper? P.S. Please try to avoid flaming each other over the issue. And this isn't really a debate, just information collection.
Go ahead palÂSavalric
That is total crap, all of the Microsoft games you listed are all available on PC as well as Xbox. In fact almost everything that is released for X box is available to PC gamers. Playstation is the only one that dosn't always include it's games for PC gamers but certain developers like Square, may release for PC. Performance wise it is foolish to buy a xbox or a playstation. What you spend on the consoles could have easily built a cheap gaming rig. The rescent price reflections in consoles prove this. IE. a xbox used to be over 300$ you could build a cheap comp for that and have the same performance. Keep in mind all Xbox res. are at sub par HD standards. IE 720P so a cheap rig that runs 1080P with some nice 8x AA is going to look far better. Not only that but a PC is going to be able to bridge your otions on games for Xbox and PC only releases you just have to wait a little longer for the Xbox title issues. if you go PS you are stuck with PS and that is it. So as to your research question, ask your self do I want options that include many games? and alot more functions? or do I want a console that limits my computing power and choices?
1. Which platform do you play the most?
 PC, followed by the Wii.
2. What types of games do you play on each of the platforms that you play on? (i.e. Runescape on PC, COD on xbox, super mario bros on wii/wii-u)
 No specific genre for each platform. I've been playing, recently, 'The Witcher 2', 'Path of Exile' and 'Hitman Absolution' on the PC - along with a tabletop RPG game I play via OpenRPG. On the Wii, 'Sonic Colors', 'Xenoblade' and 'The Last Story'.
3. Why did you buy the platform you use the most?
 I needed a good gaming platform on which I could do my side-activities as well (read, watch movies, etc.).
4. What do you like best about each platform?
 PC: Variety, excellent DD service (namely, Steam), software price and game quality.
 Wii: First-party games by Nintendo, innovative controls.
 360/PS3: Been a while since I owned either, but even back then I enjoyed the exclusives.
5. What do you not like?
 PC: Somewhat high entering price (specially where I live), no guaranteed optimization for your hardware (GPU, CPU, etc.). My computer's good but it suffers, for instance, on the first Witcher game, because it's a Quad core and the game only runs on one.
 Wii: Graphics, for the most part.
 360/PS3: Exclusives aside, they feel like a cheap alternative to the PC - but lack the variety, quality and different control options you have on the computer.
6. Can I use your username in the paper?
First off, this isn't 'System Wars,' so your post doesn't belong here. It's just guy who wants information. Secondly, you're wrong, there are several franchises on the 360 that aren't available on PC such as certain EA Sports releases, the Forza series, and Ace Combat. Now, I'm a PC gamer myself, but seeing as I have disposable income, why not have a console? There are many reasons people might buy a one, like the aforementioned exclusives; the ones I mentioned are three of my favorites, although the Ace Combat releases were rubbish, social gaming; one of the main reasons I bought my 360, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, is because none of my friends where I live are PC gamers, and ease of use are just a few. I'd suggest you get a handle on that brain-mouth thing you have going on and keep your posts relevant.That is total crap, all of the Microsoft games you listed are all available on PC as well as Xbox. In fact almost everything that is released for X box is available to PC gamers. Playstation is the only one that dosn't always include it's games for PC gamers but certain developers like Square, may release for PC. Performance wise it is foolish to buy a xbox or a playstation. What you spend on the consoles could have easily built a cheap gaming rig. The rescent price reflections in consoles prove this. IE. a xbox used to be over 300$ you could build a cheap comp for that and have the same performance. Keep in mind all Xbox res. are at sub par HD standards. IE 720P so a cheap rig that runs 1080P with some nice 8x AA is going to look far better. Not only that but a PC is going to be able to bridge your otions on games for Xbox and PC only releases you just have to wait a little longer for the Xbox title issues. if you go PS you are stuck with PS and that is it. So as to your research question, ask your self do I want options that include many games? and alot more functions? or do I want a console that limits my computing power and choices?
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