How long does one have to play a game to realise it sucks?
I was told a review of FFXIII that was "only" the first 20 hours wasnt enough to get get an impression, and thus shouldnt be taken into consideration (It gave it a 4)
I then completed the game in 21 hours and would have scored it less.
I don't think you have to play a game very long to form an opinion, and if you do then the game is designed poorly.
I agree but you need to remember we all have different tastes...Just because you or I think a game sucks it doesn't mean that everbody does.
I was more meaning when people mention things about games such as bugs,glitches,difficulty,screen tearing,gameplay etc. when they barely scratch the surface of a game.
They cannot give an accurate judgement based on the fact that they never play the game in its entirety so there is no possible way they can tell how these things affect the game over the course of a full playthrough or at varying difficulties.
Some games actually do get better as they progress...Some games get worse...But you can never know for sure unless you play the game to it's end is all I'm saying.
While I don't think you need to completly beat a game to have an accurate opinion on it. You're not wrong. Their are many games that I played and didn't initally like. Xenosaga Episode 1 and Kingdom Hearts come to mind. But once I got past the rather boring and bloated front end of the games I found them to be very enjoyable.
I think a lot of the bashing comes from a sever lack of attention span in a fairly large chunk of gamers today. Seems if a game doesn't grab your attention in the first 5 minutes with large explosions, lots of gunfire, pretty graphics, or a character that cleaves people in half with a giant sword and can run up walls some people automatically write it off as sucking.
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