I can tell I'll be using this thread quite a bit.
Anyway, my first inquiry is a little unusual, as this is for an upcoming game that I saw a brief glimpse of on some random website covering E3. All I remember is that it appeared to be a third-person shooter where you could control the terrain somehow, e.g. cause a large hill to jut up from the ground below an enemy's feet as a form of attack, and then take cover behind it. The footage I saw took place in a kind of snowy environment.
Any idea?
EDIT: May as well include a few more for efficiency sake.
2. There's this old NES game I remember playing at a friend's house once in the mid-to-late 80's. It was kind of a shoot-em-up except I think it was supposed to take place inside someone's body, and among the enemies who attacked your ship were these weird, colorful, twitching shapes that in retrospect could have been bacteria or something.
3. Another game I played at a different friend's house, but around the same period in the late 80's or very early 90's. What I mainly remember is that it was on a system other than the NES, and I was blown away by the graphics at the time, which may have been 16-bit (Sega Genesis then, most likely?). Anyway, it was a game where you played this human in a purple suit with an over-sized head whose primary attack was kicking things. I remember his death animation being very Mario-esque, in that he'd look toward the "camera" with his limbs spread out, rise a little bit and then fall of screen. At one point I kicked some fire and it was the same death-pose except his face went red from the heat. Also, at one point your character could walk and do up-side-down jumps on the ceiling.
Alright, that's all for now.
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