With the ever increasing advancement in techonology, and the ever changing world which we live in, it appears as if videogames are becoming ever more philosophical. Characters are becoming realer, more solid and well rounded in their personality, but what we have also seen is a further emphasize on those character's convictions and how deeply they are able to convey them.
It doesn't end with the characters, the very situations you, (The Player) are placed in, and the very worlds which are being concoctedaccentuate inner and outter meanings of greater depth. We are not seeing a blur of realities, but merely a far greater grandiose construction of solid colors, the variety of which are expanding.
We are now seeing more results in the actions we choose to commit in our games, and they continue to change the world which the player has been placed in. A player must now think deeper then ever before he acts because the fruition of his actions could spread to various different events instead of a simple linear path.
How do you feel about the increase of Philosophical substance within not only the stories of our games but the very meanings the existence of said game is trying to represent?
Do you feel we are ascending towards greater venues of deeper meaing or do you think that we are descending towards a madness of greed and monotony?
Bonus Riddle: A clock can never reach me, people fear to wear me, yet many are surprised when they see me, what am I?
Note: I will respond to the one who gets it right.
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