Midway I believe was on a hill, sliding down, due to their choice of partnering.
I loved Mortal Kombat, and still do but what you guys have to understand is that most families in the U.S didn't allow their children to play that video game, yet alone, wouldnt even attempt to buy the video game, "Mortal Kombat"
We are speaking about an era where the Sega Genesis was really popular, and although, Mortal Kombat was available for the original Nintendo console, as well.. I would have to say that the, "Sonic the Hedchog", video game, really had the best impact on families throughout the U.S and judging from my personal experience, even the video game, "Sonic, The Hedchog", had it's religious quirrels and moments where many families with religious backgrounds or beliefs, really misjudged the character called, Sonic and the game itself and also had labeled the video game as demonic, as many families had made the character, Sonic, out to be of this devil or demon, looking entity, who could possibly possess their children's minds through sorcery.
This is why the Midway company had fallen apart, because of their affiliation with these so called, video games. I, myself, absolutely adores, the video games, Mortal Kombat and Sonic The Hedchog and personally, would never misjudge these video games to be of anything outside of my personal fufillment, to which is entirely based upon my enthusiastic views as a video gamer.
Also, surprisingly, I believe, Nintendo could possibly be on that same route, and it wasn't until recently is where I found out that the company called, Nintendo, had initially began their company creating hotels for prostituting women, and I absolutely love the company Nintendo and personally own a original Nintendo console and a original super Nintendo console, as well.
My theory is, how long will the Nintendo company last in the household of U.S families, especially, the religious factor to this theory, of families who infact believe in soul ties and etc or simply just don't want to be affiliated with anything that involves the belated businesses of the Nintendo companys' prostitution scandal.
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